

We are very proud of the Trust’s grant scheme. Every year over 250 grants are awarded to individuals living in Taunton Deane to enable them and their families to benefit. In addition we grant to other charities and small organisations and to students who are at school in the Deane. Take a look at the eligibility or contact the office for more information.


If you live in Taunton Deane and are suffering financial hardship, our grant scheme could help you.

You have to approach a referring agency and ask them to complete an application form on your behalf. This could be a Family Centre, Social Services or Citizens Advice.

The Panel meets every month and so we are able to respond to your need relatively quickly.

We provide assistance for items that you need and are unable to purchase yourself. These can include:

  • Furniture
  • Clothing and equipment for a new baby
  • Kitchen appliances
  • School uniform for your children
  • Disability aids
  • Basic household items


  • The scheme is specifically for residents of Taunton Deane who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress.
  • The deadline for application submission is 5pm on the Thursday before each meeting
  • Grant meetings take place monthly – usually on the first Wednesday of each month.
  • Your organisation must benefit people living in Taunton Deane
  • You should have a clearly defined requirement for grant funding – this would usually be a specific project etc.
  • Charity/Organisational applications are considered at full Trustees meeting. These take place quarterly.

If you think your Charity/Organisation is eligible to apply for a grant from the Taunton Heritage Trust, please contact the Chief Officer in the first instance using the details on the Contact Us page

Map of Taunton Deane Area of benefit