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Providing Sheltered Accommodation and
helping those in need in Taunton Deane

Please get in touch if you are interested in our Almshouses or our grants scheme….. info@tauntonheritagetrust.org.uk

Taunton Heritage Trust – Sheltered Almshouse Accommodation

Welcome to the Taunton Heritage Trust. We are a Charity based in Taunton, Somerset that provides almshouse accommodation for the over 60’s. We also run a grant scheme for the benefit of Taunton Deane residents who are in financial need. The Trust is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) and is a registered housing provider with Homes England, formerly the Homes and Communities Agency. The Trust is a member of the Almshouse Association.

View and download our trustee application pack

Trustee Application Pack

The following documents are part of the trustee application pack which are available to view and download

Trustee Application Form
Trustee Role Description
Trustee Recruitment covering letter