News man
St james close (1)

Residents Christmas Party 2024

5th December 2024

An amazing time was had by everyone who came to the Residents Christmas party at the Somerset County Cricket Club.
A big thank you to all the staff at the cricket ground who provided 5* service and food. Thank you to our amazing singer Lorraine Lee who had everyone singing and dancing. We also had The Mayor our Patron & Consort attend along with some of our Trustees.
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Residents Survey 2024

Please use link to view the latest Residents Survey:   Residents Survey 2024


 Water fountain feature

01 July 2024

The Trust’s Grant Scheme not only benefits those in financial need in the local community and new and existing Residents of the Trust with items for the home. The Trust will also grant for items to improve the community on sites. Recently Residents of our Bernard Taylor Homes and Huish site have been  awarded a water feature and a bench for a small garden area they are calling the “secret garden”. The Residents have enjoyed designing the outside space and adding their own flowers and plants.

BTH Water feature 2  BTH water feature  BTH secret garden   BTH secret garden 2

 French Twinning Group visit to Grays

22nd April 2024

The Staff & Trustees welcomed the French Twinning Group along with the Mayor to Grays Almshouses to have a tour of the Chapel and Almshouses and learn about the history of Grays and how it was started. The group were fascinated by the Chapel especially the old trunk which contained the historic bibles. A huge thank you to our Chair Liz & Vice Chair Norman for their expert history knowledge. It was a very informative tour enjoyed by everyone.

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 Homemade Easter Cakes

March 2024

We’ve been spoilt again by our Residents! Homemade Easter cakes!🐣🐰🐣🐰🐣

#happyeastereveryone #wehavethebestresidents

   Easter cakes 2024

LH & NW Easter

 Claire’s leaving presentation

February 2024

Trustees and staff members gathered together for Claire’s farewell presentation on the 7th February. She has made a huge impact on the Trust and we are so grateful for all her hard work over the nearly 6 years she has worked for the Trust. We wish her all the best with her business. She will be missed by all.


 Leycroft in Lights – Christmas 2023

 19th December 2023


BBC Radio Somerset – Secret Somerset Grays Almshouses

23rd October 2023

BBC Radio Somerset recently met with our Chair Liz Fothergill to find out more about the secrets of our historic Grays Almshouses. Please click the below link to listen via BBC sounds.

Secret Somerset: Inside Gray’s Almshouses – BBC Sounds


Mayor visit to Huish Homes

8th August 2023

The new Mayor and Mayoress of Taunton popped into our offices at Huish Homes for a photo shoot in the beautiful gardens. The Mayor has always been part of THT heritage from the early days of the Almshouse’s beginnings. The Mayor is the patron of the charity and attends meetings, visits our Residents at various events including our traditional giving of the Alms gifts at Christmas time.
Below shows some of the THT staff team with the Mayor & Mayoress.

Grays Almshouses – Heritage Open Day

Saturday 16th September 10am – 12pm & 2pm – 4pm

Pop along to our Grays Almshouses to have a tour inside, view the chapel and have a wander around the secluded gardens and orchards. No need to book just turn up!
entire chapel

Spring/Summer newsletter

7th June 2023

Free Flying Freda

23rd May 2023

Our Resident Freda recently celebrated her 94th Birthday. Happy Birthday Freda! 🥳
She is an amazing lady and has recently returned from travelling to Australia to visit family, and whilst she was there she decided to have a go on a simulator skydive.
The pictures speak for themselves, what an amazing achievement. Well done Freda!
Freda 94 skydive3 skydive skydive2

Farewell to Karen

5th April 2023

Karen White has been Chief Officer at Taunton Heritage Trust for over 9 years. The Staff & Trustees arranged a special leaving presentation for her with extra special gifts to say thank you for all her hard work and dedication during her time with the Trust. We wish her all the best on her next adventures.

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Winter newsletter

12th January 2023

Jan newsletter – 2023

Giving of Alms Gifts

14th December 2022

Trustees, The Mayor and Deputy Mayor were invited to our Residents Coffee mornings at Leycroft Close site and Bernard Taylor Homes site for the giving of the Alms gifts. This is a tradition of the charity which dates back hundreds of years. All of our Residents were very happy to receive their Alms gift.

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Residents Christmas Party

7th December 2022

The Residents, Staff, Trustees and Mayor and Consort had a brilliant time getting into the Christmas spirit at the Somerset County Cricket Club for our Christmas party. We were treated to a delicious three course Christmas dinner with all the trimmings. We had a raffle for all our Residents who all won a Christmas themed prize. Below are a few photos from the party:

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Heritage Open Days – Grays Almshouses

17th September 2022

After a three year wait, we were finally able to re-open the doors of our Grays Almshouses to the public as part of the Heritage Open Days. The day was extremely busy with over 120 visitors. The public had the opportunity to look around Grays Almshouses and learn more about the history of the building and how the Taunton Heritage Trust started.

A Resident of the Trust kindly opened up his flat to allow members of the public to see what it is like to live in such a n historic building.

A big thank you to all the Staff, Associates, Trustees and the Mayor who helped out on the day.

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Summer Newsletter

Summer newsletter – 2022

16th August 2022


Residents BBQ’s

1st August 2022

Our Residents have been making the most of the recent heatwave and have been planning lots of social events including BBQ’s.

Leycroft Close & Bernard Taylor Homes site have recently had BBQs on site which was arranged by the Residents themselves.

b1 b2 BBQ July 3 BBQ July 2


Residents Survey & Analysis 2022

28th June 2022

Survey pub 2022



Residents Summer outing to Sidmouth

9th June 2022

After a long three year wait we were finally able to arrange a Summer outing for our Residents. As part of our offering as an Almshouse charity we like to take our Residents on one summer trip a year.

We decided to return to Sidmouth again (We were due to go in 2020) after having such a lovely time on the last trip there in 2019.

We were lucky with the weather and the rain held off for us. We arrived at the seafront hotel – The Hotel Riviera at 10.30am for refreshments. After this we all had a wander across the seafront and through the town. We then returned to the hotel for a gorgeous two course lunch with views of the sea.

Once lunch was finished there was still time to enjoy the Sidmouth sights before the coach came to pick us up.

Residents & staff all had a lovely time and we cannot wait for next years trip!

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Spring newsletter!

26th May 2022

Spring newsletter – May 2022

New Winter newsletter!!

28th February 2022

Winter newsletter – February 2022

Happy Retirement to Jan

11th February 2022

Happy Retirement to our Office & Compliance Manager Jan who has worked with the Trust for over 12 years and will be dearly missed by all. We thank her for all her hard work and support over the years.

The Staff & Trustees held a leaving presentation for her and thanked her for her service with a selection of gifts and the Chair gave an extra special speech.

The staff also arranged a farewell lunch at a restaurant nearby.

We wish her the best in her next adventure!

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Jans leaving lunch

Residents Craft Afternoon

7th January 2022

The Residents enjoyed their craft afternoon in the community room at Bernard Taylor Homes. The event had been organised by one of our Resident who is a keen crafter and happily helped others with their creations.

We are so lucky to have so many talented knitters amongst our Residents!

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Christmas visit from the Mayor

15th December 2021

We had to scale back our usual Christmas coffee morning event with the Mayor this year to a drop in event but we are so lucky it could still go ahead . A huge thank you to our Patron, The Mayor Sue Lees and her Deputy, Brenda Weston for handing out the alms gifts to our lovely Residents, as is our annual Christmas tradition.

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Christmas Party 2021

9th December 2021

We were lucky enough to be able to have a Christmas party this year at the Somerset County Cricket Club. Residents, Staff, Trustees and the Mayor attended and enjoyed a superb three course Christmas dinner and were all entertained by an amazing magician!

It really was such a special event and everyone had a fabulous time.

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Remembrance Day

11th November 2021

Remembering those today who have lost their lives in conflict, with these lovely hand made poppies displayed in our Grays Almshouses Chapel.

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Autumn newsletter

7th October 2021

Autumn newsletter Oct 2021

Fred & Doris

28th September 2021

Happy 1st birthday to the famous Leycroft Close Flowerpot men Fred & Doris, who celebrated their birthday with our Residents Benny & Elsie who were also celebrating their birthdays with a glass of sherry or two in the sunshine!



Card night

18th September 2021

The Residents of Leycroft Close enjoyed a card night with a ploughman’s style buffet arranged by their Warden Ali.

There was a good turn out with 19 Residents attending the evening and they raised over £60.00 for local charities.

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17th September 2021

Happy 90th Birthday to our Resident Herta who has lived on one of our sites for nearly 20 years.

To celebrate her birthday she had a party in the community room with her neighbours and friends. She said how much she had enjoyed herself.

Herta received so many birthday cards she is running out of space to put them all up!

H5 Herta 90 Herta

Jeff’s leaving presentation

31st August 2021

Jeff Payne is retiring from his role as the Properties Manager for Taunton Heritage Trust after a busy 5 years. He is an extremely popular member of the team who will be very much missed by all the Staff, Trustees, Residents and contractors.

We wish him a relaxing retirement filled with plenty of fishing trips and golf.

Jeff retirement

Pimms afternoon

30th July 2021

The Residents at Leycroft Close enjoyed a Pimms and strawberries afternoon. Over 20 Residents turned up to the event. The sun may not of been shining but there were plenty of high spirits and a sunny atmosphere!

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Summer Newsletter

Summer 2021 newsletter

26th July 2021


14th July 2021

We are very lucky to have so many talented gardeners living on our sites. Below are just some of the beautiful pots and flower beds on our site at Leycroft Close:

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a surprise furry visitor!

30th June 2021

The Residents had a surprise visitor at their Coffee morning today! It was a 10 week old golden retriever puppy called Ivy. All the Residents were so happy to meet her and have a little cuddle.

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              Ivy even had time to do a little work in the office….

pup ivy

a good news story!

29th June 2021

This week in the Office we received an email, out of the blue from a local man advising us that his late mother had left the Trust £3,000 in her Will.  His mother, a Miss Dollins was born in 1931, came from a poor family in Taunton and suffered from rickets as a child.  The Taunton Town Charity (as the Trust was then called) funded Miss Dollins to get to Bishop Fox’s Grammar School in the town.

Miss Dollins went on to have a family of her own, became a social worker and later in life, a successful property developer, which she continued well into her eighties.  Apparently she never forgot the help she had received from the Charity and wanted to give something back.

We are honoured to receive this generous donation and will ensure it is ringfenced for our Educational Grants Scheme to benefit more young people in the town.

Residents cake & coffee mornings

23rd June 2021

A super turn out at the Cake & Coffee morning at Leycroft Close with Residents enjoying a selection of cakes and biscuits supplied by the Trust with a side order of sunshine!

Cake coffee June 2021 1

March newsletter

2nd March 2021

Newsletter MARCH 2021


Christmas ALMS GIFTS

17th December 2020

We are so disappointed that the pandemic meant that we could not have our Patron, The Mayor of Taunton, hand out the Christmas alms gifts to our Residents at a coffee morning this year.

The gifts have instead been delivered by the office staff who took the opportunity to wish all our Residents a Happy Christmas and a happy, healthy 2021.

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Christmas lights

10th December 2020

Our Residents at Leycroft Close have been busy getting into the Christmas spirit and have done an amazing job decorating the outside of their flats and gardens with lots of beautiful Christmas lights.

Even the flower pot men were decorated in lights!

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Hampers for our residents

25th November 2020

What a fabulous morning we have had delivering hampers from the Staff & Trustees to our Residents to give them something to smile about during these difficult times.

Our Residents were so happy to receive the hampers as they were an unexpected surprise. We even had happy tears from some of our Residents.

A big thank you to The Hamper Guys in Taunton for supplying the beautiful hampers.

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16th October 2020

Our latest newsletter is now available. Please click on the link below:

Autumn newsletter 2020

Corfield hall update

21st August 2020

Corfield HallA fantastic result was achieved for the Planning and Listed Building Consent for new Almshouses at the Corfield Hall site. The committee of Local Councillors who unanimously voted in favour of the scheme with 12 out of 12 votes provided the following feedback:

“Very good example of putting houses in where sorely needed”

“Right scheme carefully considered”

“The best designed planning application I have seen presented to this committee – fantastic scheme”

“Carefully thought through – the design looks good.”

“5 Star – absolute gold standard”

Johnathan Rhind were appointed by Taunton Heritage Trust to design a new Almshouse facility which would include 11 new flats, a community hall and new offices for the Trust’s staff.

The proposals involve the demolition of the existing Corfield Hall to make way for a sensitively designed three storey building.

Working closely with the architects they prepared a design which went through several stages of pre-application consultation with Somerset West and Taunton Council Planning and Conservation Officers, Historic England and the South West Design Review Panel. Sunlight and Daylight modelling was critical to ensure the design would not impact the neighbouring residential block.

We are delighted with the outcome and look forward to progressing this prestigious project to site in the near future.

Corfield hall update

21st August 2020

Corfield HallA fantastic result was achieved for the Planning and Listed Building Consent for new Almshouses at the Corfield Hall site. The committee of Local Councillors who unanimously voted in favour of the scheme with 12 out of 12 votes provided the following feedback:

“Very good example of putting houses in where sorely needed”

“Right scheme carefully considered”

“The best designed planning application I have seen presented to this committee – fantastic scheme”

“Carefully thought through – the design looks good.”

“5 Star – absolute gold standard”

Johnathan Rhind were appointed by Taunton Heritage Trust to design a new Almshouse facility which would include 11 new flats, a community hall and new offices for the Trust’s staff.

The proposals involve the demolition of the existing Corfield Hall to make way for a sensitively designed three storey building.

Working closely with the architects they prepared a design which went through several stages of pre-application consultation with Somerset West and Taunton Council Planning and Conservation Officers, Historic England and the South West Design Review Panel. Sunlight and Daylight modelling was critical to ensure the design would not impact the neighbouring residential block.

We are delighted with the outcome and look forward to progressing this prestigious project to site in the near future.


7th September 2020

Under normal circumstances we would be opening Grays Almshouses to the public this Saturday, as part of the national Heritage Open Days scheme. As the almshouses are people’s homes regrettably we cannot do this during the pandemic. Here are a few photos to make up for it!

Grays Front Almshouse PlaqueDonations Signentire chapel  Bernard Keys  Red Door  Portrait News


16th July 2020

We carried out a survey with our Residents at the end of last year. The feedback has been really interesting and helpful. Please use the link below to view the survey:

Survey pub 2019


Friday 29th May 2020

Our latest newsletter is now available. Please use the link below to view:

Spring 2020 Newsletter

ve dAY celebrations

Friday 8th May 2020

How lovely to see that our Residents at Leycroft Close enjoyed their VE celebrations whilst socially distancing. Looks like they had a great time.


Social distancing in the sun

15th April 2020

Lovely to see our Residents at Leycroft Close enjoying the sunshine in the garden whilst complying with social distancing rules.

SD1   SD3   SD2

“buddy system”

27th March 2020

We are immensely proud of our Residents who are all so resilient and upbeat during these difficult times of lock down. The staff of Taunton Heritage Trust have set up a “Buddy System” where we phone a number of our Residents each day for a chat to make sure they are ok.

We are all really enjoying our chats and supporting our brilliant wardens, Jacqui & Ali. The Wardens are continuing to provide a fantastic service to our Residents, in a safe manner.

Trustee opportunity

29th January 2020

This is a pivotal time for the Taunton Heritage Trust as we are embarking on an ambitious project to develop an important town-centre site to provide additional almshouse accommodation and replacement offices for our Staff. This will confirm our place as a local housing provider well into the twenty first century. We are looking for dynamic and dedicated individuals to serve as Trustees, who share the ethos of our almshouse charity and want to get involved.

If you feel you have something to offer and in return would enjoy the challenge of working with people from all walks of life with a common goal, we would love to hear from you.

Get in touch with Karen White, our Chief Officer for an informal chat or request an application pack.
01823 335348

Christmas visit from the Mayor

12th December 2019

A lovely visit by our Patron, the Mayor, to give out alms gifts to our Residents for Christmas. The Mayor is pictured with some of our Trustees and the Chief Officer at a reception to thank all our professional advisors for their valuable help over the past year.

Mayor Xmas 2019

Christmas is coming!!!

11th December 2019

We had our Residents Christmas party at Somerset County Cricket Club on Monday 9th December 2019. The party was attended by our Residents, staff, Trustees and the Mayor. Everyone who came had such a good time. We all really enjoyed the delicious 3 courses of Christmas dinner. This was followed by a raffle and lots of singing and dancing!!

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Almshouse design for the 21st Century

— 02 Oct 2019

An interesting piece on Taunton Heritage Trust by Jonathan Rhind Architects:


THT have several almshouses in the centre of Taunton already, such as Bernard Taylor


Taunton heritage trust crest Large

Jonathan Rhind Architects are delighted to have been commissioned by the Taunton Heritage Trust (THT) to design and build a new almshouse in the centre of Taunton.

The Taunton Heritage Trust is a charity which provides housing for the over 60s who are in need. The properties they manage provide secure housing for people who want and are able to live alone, but with the benefit of additional support.

Almshouses in Britain date back to the 10th Century, when they were generally run by religious orders for the benefit of the sick and elderly. With the dissolution of the monasteries many almshouses were also lost. The urbanisation of work in the Georgian and Victorian eras lead to an upsurge in the building of almshouses by wealthy philanthropists to counter the appalling conditions in workhouses, and the result is many of the historic almshouse buildings that we see in towns and cities today.

The Taunton Heritage Trust run several almshouses which are based in such historic properties. With full occupancy and a waiting list for places the Charity is in need of more accommodation to deal with the increase in demand. In 2018 the Trust purchased a site in the centre of Taunton for more housing and new offices to accommodate the increasing requirement.

Jonathan Rhind Architects were one of four firms of Architects who were approached to submit designs for the proposed site and were delighted to win against stiff competition with a design which was the best fit for the site as well as being a lasting piece of architecture which will become an important part of Taunton’s heritage.

The project had a positive response when presented to the Southwest Design Review Panel and is currently in consultation with the local community and Somerset West and Taunton Council. It is important to the THT that the building respects its surroundings as well as meeting the needs of its residents. The new almshouse will have both one and two person flats, lift access for those with mobility issues, as well as a communal garden, community meeting rooms and improved offices for the Trust.

Karen White, Chief Officer of the THT said ‘The Trust is custodian to some important heritage buildings which are maintained to a very high standard and we feel [this] development opportunity… will complement our existing portfolio and ensure that the Trust remains relevant as a housing provider well into the twenty first century and beyond.’

Jonathan Rhind Architects are excited to be collaborating on a project which will have a positive social impact as well as contributing an important architectural design to the heart of Taunton town centre.

We will be posting more updates as this exciting project progresses, so watch this space.

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Heritage Open Day at Grays Almshouses on 14th September 2019

We had a very busy time showing people around our Grays Almshouses as part of the Heritage Open Days scheme.

We were so grateful to the Staff, Trustees and our Patron the Mayor of Taunton for giving up their time to help. A massive thank you to our three lovely Residents who showed people inside their flats.

For more information about the Heritage Open Day scheme please visit:

Staff members Laura & Jan busy in the chapel                      Our Residents: Jan, Rob & George who kindly showed visitors their flats.


Our Patron the Mayor of Taunton helped out by showing visitors around.

HOD4 entire chapel

Residents Summer Outing to Sidmouth – 14th June 2019

We returned to Sidmouth for our annual Summer trip on Friday 14th June. We were really lucky with the weather as it stayed dry for us and the sun even made a little appearance.

The Residents had a lovely time at the Hotel which is in an excellent location with stunning views of the sea.

The staff were really welcoming and friendly and all who attended felt well looked after.

The lunch served was really lovely, especially the amazing desserts!

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Almshouse Association Seminar – June 2019

Our Chief Officer, Karen White together with Trustee Liz Fothergill attended the Almshouse Association’s first Members Day Conference on 05 June at the Haberdashers Hall in London. The event was…
Read More
Easter 222

Easter Egg Hunt – 19th April 2019

We were so blessed with the weather this year at our Easter Event. We had a range of fun activities including the egg hunt around the gardens at Bernard Taylor…
Read More
017 Resized

Race Night

Photos from our recent Race night held at our Leycroft Close site. All Residents who came enjoyed home cooked food made by our Warden followed by the horse racing.  
Read More
Residents' charity coffee mornings

Residents’ charity coffee mornings

So proud of the Taunton Heritage Trust Residents who raised over £300 for Macmillan and other local charities at their coffee mornings last week, and had a lot of fun in the…
Read More

Heritage Open Day – 15 September 2018

As part of the national Heritage Open Days scheme we are opening to visitors the chapel and garden at Grays Almshouses, East Street, Taunton TA1 3NA on Saturday 15 September…
Read More

Residents Christmas Party

7th December 2022

The Residents, Staff, Trustees and Mayor and Consort had a brilliant time getting into the Christmas spirit at the Somerset County Cricket Club for our Christmas party. We were treated to a delicious three course Christmas dinner with all the trimmings. We had a raffle for all our Residents who all won a Christmas themed prize. Below are a few photos from the party:

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Heritage Open Days – Grays Almshouses

17th September 2022

After a three year wait, we were finally able to re-open the doors of our Grays Almshouses to the public as part of the Heritage Open Days. The day was extremely busy with over 120 visitors. The public had the opportunity to look around Grays Almshouses and learn more about the history of the building and how the Taunton Heritage Trust started.

A Resident of the Trust kindly opened up his flat to allow members of the public to see what it is like to live in such a n historic building.

A big thank you to all the Staff, Associates, Trustees and the Mayor who helped out on the day.

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Summer Newsletter

Summer newsletter – 2022

16th August 2022


Residents BBQ’s

1st August 2022

Our Residents have been making the most of the recent heatwave and have been planning lots of social events including BBQ’s.

Leycroft Close & Bernard Taylor Homes site have recently had BBQs on site which was arranged by the Residents themselves.

b1 b2 BBQ July 3 BBQ July 2


Residents Survey & Analysis 2022

28th June 2022

Survey pub 2022



Residents Summer outing to Sidmouth

9th June 2022

After a long three year wait we were finally able to arrange a Summer outing for our Residents. As part of our offering as an Almshouse charity we like to take our Residents on one summer trip a year.

We decided to return to Sidmouth again (We were due to go in 2020) after having such a lovely time on the last trip there in 2019.

We were lucky with the weather and the rain held off for us. We arrived at the seafront hotel – The Hotel Riviera at 10.30am for refreshments. After this we all had a wander across the seafront and through the town. We then returned to the hotel for a gorgeous two course lunch with views of the sea.

Once lunch was finished there was still time to enjoy the Sidmouth sights before the coach came to pick us up.

Residents & staff all had a lovely time and we cannot wait for next years trip!

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Spring newsletter!

26th May 2022

Spring newsletter – May 2022

Deputy Chief Officer Role

22nd April 2022

We are pleased to be able to inform all Residents that effective April 2022, Nick Beresford has taken on the additional role of Deputy Chief Officer.  Nick will continue to be the Trust’s Properties Manager and in addition will be working closely alongside Karen White, supporting her in her role as CO and covering for Karen in her absence.  This is a very positive step for the Trust and all Trustees and Staff are pleased that Nick has taken this on.

Nick Beresford 1

Easter egg hunt

19th April 2022

Our Warden Jacqui held a Easter egg hunt in the gardens of our Bernard Taylor Homes site. The event was enjoyed by the grandchildren and our Residents! 🐣🐰

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Residents Summer Outing

31st March 2022


New Winter newsletter!!

28th February 2022

Winter newsletter – February 2022

Happy Retirement to Jan

11th February 2022

Happy Retirement to our Office & Compliance Manager Jan who has worked with the Trust for over 12 years and will be dearly missed by all. We thank her for all her hard work and support over the years.

The Staff & Trustees held a leaving presentation for her and thanked her for her service with a selection of gifts and the Chair gave an extra special speech.

The staff also arranged a farewell lunch at a restaurant nearby.

We wish her the best in her next adventure!

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Jans leaving lunch

Residents Craft Afternoon

7th January 2022

The Residents enjoyed their craft afternoon in the community room at Bernard Taylor Homes. The event had been organised by one of our Resident who is a keen crafter and happily helped others with their creations.

We are so lucky to have so many talented knitters amongst our Residents!

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Christmas visit from the Mayor

15th December 2021

We had to scale back our usual Christmas coffee morning event with the Mayor this year to a drop in event but we are so lucky it could still go ahead . A huge thank you to our Patron, The Mayor Sue Lees and her Deputy, Brenda Weston for handing out the alms gifts to our lovely Residents, as is our annual Christmas tradition.

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Christmas Party 2021

9th December 2021

We were lucky enough to be able to have a Christmas party this year at the Somerset County Cricket Club. Residents, Staff, Trustees and the Mayor attended and enjoyed a superb three course Christmas dinner and were all entertained by an amazing magician!

It really was such a special event and everyone had a fabulous time.

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Remembrance Day

11th November 2021

Remembering those today who have lost their lives in conflict, with these lovely hand made poppies displayed in our Grays Almshouses Chapel.

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Autumn newsletter

7th October 2021

Autumn newsletter Oct 2021

Fred & Doris

28th September 2021

Happy 1st birthday to the famous Leycroft Close Flowerpot men Fred & Doris, who celebrated their birthday with our Residents Benny & Elsie who were also celebrating their birthdays with a glass of sherry or two in the sunshine!



Card night

18th September 2021

The Residents of Leycroft Close enjoyed a card night with a ploughman’s style buffet arranged by their Warden Ali.

There was a good turn out with 19 Residents attending the evening and they raised over £60.00 for local charities.

C1 C2 C4


17th September 2021

Happy 90th Birthday to our Resident Herta who has lived on one of our sites for nearly 20 years.

To celebrate her birthday she had a party in the community room with her neighbours and friends. She said how much she had enjoyed herself.

Herta received so many birthday cards she is running out of space to put them all up!

H5 Herta 90 Herta

Jeff’s leaving presentation

31st August 2021

Jeff Payne is retiring from his role as the Properties Manager for Taunton Heritage Trust after a busy 5 years. He is an extremely popular member of the team who will be very much missed by all the Staff, Trustees, Residents and contractors.

We wish him a relaxing retirement filled with plenty of fishing trips and golf.

Jeff retirement

Pimms afternoon

30th July 2021

The Residents at Leycroft Close enjoyed a Pimms and strawberries afternoon. Over 20 Residents turned up to the event. The sun may not of been shining but there were plenty of high spirits and a sunny atmosphere!

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Summer Newsletter

Summer 2021 newsletter

26th July 2021


14th July 2021

We are very lucky to have so many talented gardeners living on our sites. Below are just some of the beautiful pots and flower beds on our site at Leycroft Close:

G10 G2 g12 g11

a surprise furry visitor!

30th June 2021

The Residents had a surprise visitor at their Coffee morning today! It was a 10 week old golden retriever puppy called Ivy. All the Residents were so happy to meet her and have a little cuddle.

P1 P6 pupp CM11

              Ivy even had time to do a little work in the office….

pup ivy

a good news story!

29th June 2021

This week in the Office we received an email, out of the blue from a local man advising us that his late mother had left the Trust £3,000 in her Will.  His mother, a Miss Dollins was born in 1931, came from a poor family in Taunton and suffered from rickets as a child.  The Taunton Town Charity (as the Trust was then called) funded Miss Dollins to get to Bishop Fox’s Grammar School in the town.

Miss Dollins went on to have a family of her own, became a social worker and later in life, a successful property developer, which she continued well into her eighties.  Apparently she never forgot the help she had received from the Charity and wanted to give something back.

We are honoured to receive this generous donation and will ensure it is ringfenced for our Educational Grants Scheme to benefit more young people in the town.

Residents cake & coffee mornings

23rd June 2021

A super turn out at the Cake & Coffee morning at Leycroft Close with Residents enjoying a selection of cakes and biscuits supplied by the Trust with a side order of sunshine!

Cake coffee June 2021 1

March newsletter

2nd March 2021

Newsletter MARCH 2021


Christmas ALMS GIFTS

17th December 2020

We are so disappointed that the pandemic meant that we could not have our Patron, The Mayor of Taunton, hand out the Christmas alms gifts to our Residents at a coffee morning this year.

The gifts have instead been delivered by the office staff who took the opportunity to wish all our Residents a Happy Christmas and a happy, healthy 2021.

  1G 13BTH 12BTH 15bth


Christmas lights

10th December 2020

Our Residents at Leycroft Close have been busy getting into the Christmas spirit and have done an amazing job decorating the outside of their flats and gardens with lots of beautiful Christmas lights.

Even the flower pot men were decorated in lights!

L13 L15

L7 L4 20180223 204102 L2

Hampers for our residents

25th November 2020

What a fabulous morning we have had delivering hampers from the Staff & Trustees to our Residents to give them something to smile about during these difficult times.

Our Residents were so happy to receive the hampers as they were an unexpected surprise. We even had happy tears from some of our Residents.

A big thank you to The Hamper Guys in Taunton for supplying the beautiful hampers.

  H9  H20   H28                                      H12  H27  H26

H8  H22 1   H6


16th October 2020

Our latest newsletter is now available. Please click on the link below:

Autumn newsletter 2020

Corfield hall update

21st August 2020

Corfield HallA fantastic result was achieved for the Planning and Listed Building Consent for new Almshouses at the Corfield Hall site. The committee of Local Councillors who unanimously voted in favour of the scheme with 12 out of 12 votes provided the following feedback:

“Very good example of putting houses in where sorely needed”

“Right scheme carefully considered”

“The best designed planning application I have seen presented to this committee – fantastic scheme”

“Carefully thought through – the design looks good.”

“5 Star – absolute gold standard”

Johnathan Rhind were appointed by Taunton Heritage Trust to design a new Almshouse facility which would include 11 new flats, a community hall and new offices for the Trust’s staff.

The proposals involve the demolition of the existing Corfield Hall to make way for a sensitively designed three storey building.

Working closely with the architects they prepared a design which went through several stages of pre-application consultation with Somerset West and Taunton Council Planning and Conservation Officers, Historic England and the South West Design Review Panel. Sunlight and Daylight modelling was critical to ensure the design would not impact the neighbouring residential block.

We are delighted with the outcome and look forward to progressing this prestigious project to site in the near future.

Corfield hall update

21st August 2020

Corfield HallA fantastic result was achieved for the Planning and Listed Building Consent for new Almshouses at the Corfield Hall site. The committee of Local Councillors who unanimously voted in favour of the scheme with 12 out of 12 votes provided the following feedback:

“Very good example of putting houses in where sorely needed”

“Right scheme carefully considered”

“The best designed planning application I have seen presented to this committee – fantastic scheme”

“Carefully thought through – the design looks good.”

“5 Star – absolute gold standard”

Johnathan Rhind were appointed by Taunton Heritage Trust to design a new Almshouse facility which would include 11 new flats, a community hall and new offices for the Trust’s staff.

The proposals involve the demolition of the existing Corfield Hall to make way for a sensitively designed three storey building.

Working closely with the architects they prepared a design which went through several stages of pre-application consultation with Somerset West and Taunton Council Planning and Conservation Officers, Historic England and the South West Design Review Panel. Sunlight and Daylight modelling was critical to ensure the design would not impact the neighbouring residential block.

We are delighted with the outcome and look forward to progressing this prestigious project to site in the near future.


7th September 2020

Under normal circumstances we would be opening Grays Almshouses to the public this Saturday, as part of the national Heritage Open Days scheme. As the almshouses are people’s homes regrettably we cannot do this during the pandemic. Here are a few photos to make up for it!

Grays Front Almshouse PlaqueDonations Signentire chapel  Bernard Keys  Red Door  Portrait News


16th July 2020

We carried out a survey with our Residents at the end of last year. The feedback has been really interesting and helpful. Please use the link below to view the survey:

Survey pub 2019


Friday 29th May 2020

Our latest newsletter is now available. Please use the link below to view:

Spring 2020 Newsletter

ve dAY celebrations

Friday 8th May 2020

How lovely to see that our Residents at Leycroft Close enjoyed their VE celebrations whilst socially distancing. Looks like they had a great time.


Social distancing in the sun

15th April 2020

Lovely to see our Residents at Leycroft Close enjoying the sunshine in the garden whilst complying with social distancing rules.

SD1   SD3   SD2

“buddy system”

27th March 2020

We are immensely proud of our Residents who are all so resilient and upbeat during these difficult times of lock down. The staff of Taunton Heritage Trust have set up a “Buddy System” where we phone a number of our Residents each day for a chat to make sure they are ok.

We are all really enjoying our chats and supporting our brilliant wardens, Jacqui & Ali. The Wardens are continuing to provide a fantastic service to our Residents, in a safe manner.

Trustee opportunity

29th January 2020

This is a pivotal time for the Taunton Heritage Trust as we are embarking on an ambitious project to develop an important town-centre site to provide additional almshouse accommodation and replacement offices for our Staff. This will confirm our place as a local housing provider well into the twenty first century. We are looking for dynamic and dedicated individuals to serve as Trustees, who share the ethos of our almshouse charity and want to get involved.

If you feel you have something to offer and in return would enjoy the challenge of working with people from all walks of life with a common goal, we would love to hear from you.

Get in touch with Karen White, our Chief Officer for an informal chat or request an application pack.
01823 335348

Christmas visit from the Mayor

12th December 2019

A lovely visit by our Patron, the Mayor, to give out alms gifts to our Residents for Christmas. The Mayor is pictured with some of our Trustees and the Chief Officer at a reception to thank all our professional advisors for their valuable help over the past year.

Mayor Xmas 2019

Christmas is coming!!!

11th December 2019

We had our Residents Christmas party at Somerset County Cricket Club on Monday 9th December 2019. The party was attended by our Residents, staff, Trustees and the Mayor. Everyone who came had such a good time. We all really enjoyed the delicious 3 courses of Christmas dinner. This was followed by a raffle and lots of singing and dancing!!

X27 X33 X12  X11 X2 X9

X16 X1 

Almshouse design for the 21st Century

— 02 Oct 2019

An interesting piece on Taunton Heritage Trust by Jonathan Rhind Architects:


THT have several almshouses in the centre of Taunton already, such as Bernard Taylor


Taunton heritage trust crest Large

Jonathan Rhind Architects are delighted to have been commissioned by the Taunton Heritage Trust (THT) to design and build a new almshouse in the centre of Taunton.

The Taunton Heritage Trust is a charity which provides housing for the over 60s who are in need. The properties they manage provide secure housing for people who want and are able to live alone, but with the benefit of additional support.

Almshouses in Britain date back to the 10th Century, when they were generally run by religious orders for the benefit of the sick and elderly. With the dissolution of the monasteries many almshouses were also lost. The urbanisation of work in the Georgian and Victorian eras lead to an upsurge in the building of almshouses by wealthy philanthropists to counter the appalling conditions in workhouses, and the result is many of the historic almshouse buildings that we see in towns and cities today.

The Taunton Heritage Trust run several almshouses which are based in such historic properties. With full occupancy and a waiting list for places the Charity is in need of more accommodation to deal with the increase in demand. In 2018 the Trust purchased a site in the centre of Taunton for more housing and new offices to accommodate the increasing requirement.

Jonathan Rhind Architects were one of four firms of Architects who were approached to submit designs for the proposed site and were delighted to win against stiff competition with a design which was the best fit for the site as well as being a lasting piece of architecture which will become an important part of Taunton’s heritage.

The project had a positive response when presented to the Southwest Design Review Panel and is currently in consultation with the local community and Somerset West and Taunton Council. It is important to the THT that the building respects its surroundings as well as meeting the needs of its residents. The new almshouse will have both one and two person flats, lift access for those with mobility issues, as well as a communal garden, community meeting rooms and improved offices for the Trust.

Karen White, Chief Officer of the THT said ‘The Trust is custodian to some important heritage buildings which are maintained to a very high standard and we feel [this] development opportunity… will complement our existing portfolio and ensure that the Trust remains relevant as a housing provider well into the twenty first century and beyond.’

Jonathan Rhind Architects are excited to be collaborating on a project which will have a positive social impact as well as contributing an important architectural design to the heart of Taunton town centre.

We will be posting more updates as this exciting project progresses, so watch this space.

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Heritage Open Day at Grays Almshouses on 14th September 2019

We had a very busy time showing people around our Grays Almshouses as part of the Heritage Open Days scheme.

We were so grateful to the Staff, Trustees and our Patron the Mayor of Taunton for giving up their time to help. A massive thank you to our three lovely Residents who showed people inside their flats.

For more information about the Heritage Open Day scheme please visit:

Staff members Laura & Jan busy in the chapel                      Our Residents: Jan, Rob & George who kindly showed visitors their flats.


Our Patron the Mayor of Taunton helped out by showing visitors around.

HOD4 entire chapel

Residents Summer Outing to Sidmouth – 14th June 2019

We returned to Sidmouth for our annual Summer trip on Friday 14th June. We were really lucky with the weather as it stayed dry for us and the sun even made a little appearance.

The Residents had a lovely time at the Hotel which is in an excellent location with stunning views of the sea.

The staff were really welcoming and friendly and all who attended felt well looked after.

The lunch served was really lovely, especially the amazing desserts!

SID 2SID 1 SID 11SID 13 SID 10SID 14

Almshouse Association Seminar – June 2019

Our Chief Officer, Karen White together with Trustee Liz Fothergill attended the Almshouse Association’s first Members Day Conference on 05 June at the Haberdashers Hall in London. The event was…
Read More
Easter 222

Easter Egg Hunt – 19th April 2019

We were so blessed with the weather this year at our Easter Event. We had a range of fun activities including the egg hunt around the gardens at Bernard Taylor…
Read More
017 Resized

Race Night

Photos from our recent Race night held at our Leycroft Close site. All Residents who came enjoyed home cooked food made by our Warden followed by the horse racing.  
Read More
Residents' charity coffee mornings

Residents’ charity coffee mornings

So proud of the Taunton Heritage Trust Residents who raised over £300 for Macmillan and other local charities at their coffee mornings last week, and had a lot of fun in the…
Read More

Heritage Open Day – 15 September 2018

As part of the national Heritage Open Days scheme we are opening to visitors the chapel and garden at Grays Almshouses, East Street, Taunton TA1 3NA on Saturday 15 September…
Read More

Heritage Open Days – Grays Almshouses

17th September 2022

After a three year wait, we were finally able to re-open the doors of our Grays Almshouses to the public as part of the Heritage Open Days. The day was extremely busy with over 120 visitors. The public had the opportunity to look around Grays Almshouses and learn more about the history of the building and how the Taunton Heritage Trust started.

A Resident of the Trust kindly opened up his flat to allow members of the public to see what it is like to live in such a n historic building.

A big thank you to all the Staff, Associates, Trustees and the Mayor who helped out on the day.

H5 1  H3 1   H2 H1

Summer Newsletter

Summer newsletter – 2022

16th August 2022


Residents BBQ’s

1st August 2022

Our Residents have been making the most of the recent heatwave and have been planning lots of social events including BBQ’s.

Leycroft Close & Bernard Taylor Homes site have recently had BBQs on site which was arranged by the Residents themselves.

b1 b2 BBQ July 3 BBQ July 2


Residents Survey & Analysis 2022

28th June 2022

Survey pub 2022



Residents Summer outing to Sidmouth

9th June 2022

After a long three year wait we were finally able to arrange a Summer outing for our Residents. As part of our offering as an Almshouse charity we like to take our Residents on one summer trip a year.

We decided to return to Sidmouth again (We were due to go in 2020) after having such a lovely time on the last trip there in 2019.

We were lucky with the weather and the rain held off for us. We arrived at the seafront hotel – The Hotel Riviera at 10.30am for refreshments. After this we all had a wander across the seafront and through the town. We then returned to the hotel for a gorgeous two course lunch with views of the sea.

Once lunch was finished there was still time to enjoy the Sidmouth sights before the coach came to pick us up.

Residents & staff all had a lovely time and we cannot wait for next years trip!

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Spring newsletter!

26th May 2022

Spring newsletter – May 2022

Deputy Chief Officer Role

22nd April 2022

We are pleased to be able to inform all Residents that effective April 2022, Nick Beresford has taken on the additional role of Deputy Chief Officer.  Nick will continue to be the Trust’s Properties Manager and in addition will be working closely alongside Karen White, supporting her in her role as CO and covering for Karen in her absence.  This is a very positive step for the Trust and all Trustees and Staff are pleased that Nick has taken this on.

Nick Beresford 1

Easter egg hunt

19th April 2022

Our Warden Jacqui held a Easter egg hunt in the gardens of our Bernard Taylor Homes site. The event was enjoyed by the grandchildren and our Residents! 🐣🐰

e1 E2 e6 e3 e7 e4

Easter 1 1

Residents Summer Outing

31st March 2022


New Winter newsletter!!

28th February 2022

Winter newsletter – February 2022

Happy Retirement to Jan

11th February 2022

Happy Retirement to our Office & Compliance Manager Jan who has worked with the Trust for over 12 years and will be dearly missed by all. We thank her for all her hard work and support over the years.

The Staff & Trustees held a leaving presentation for her and thanked her for her service with a selection of gifts and the Chair gave an extra special speech.

The staff also arranged a farewell lunch at a restaurant nearby.

We wish her the best in her next adventure!

J1 1 J12

J2 1 J5 1 J7 1 J9

J15 1 J10

Jans leaving lunch

Residents Craft Afternoon

7th January 2022

The Residents enjoyed their craft afternoon in the community room at Bernard Taylor Homes. The event had been organised by one of our Resident who is a keen crafter and happily helped others with their creations.

We are so lucky to have so many talented knitters amongst our Residents!

C1 2 C4 3 C2 2 C3 1




Christmas visit from the Mayor

15th December 2021

We had to scale back our usual Christmas coffee morning event with the Mayor this year to a drop in event but we are so lucky it could still go ahead . A huge thank you to our Patron, The Mayor Sue Lees and her Deputy, Brenda Weston for handing out the alms gifts to our lovely Residents, as is our annual Christmas tradition.

M2 2  M18

M21 M19 M17 M21 M15 1

M14 1 M13 1 M12 1 M10 1 LC1 1 LC2 LC3 LC5


Christmas Party 2021

9th December 2021

We were lucky enough to be able to have a Christmas party this year at the Somerset County Cricket Club. Residents, Staff, Trustees and the Mayor attended and enjoyed a superb three course Christmas dinner and were all entertained by an amazing magician!

It really was such a special event and everyone had a fabulous time.

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Remembrance Day

11th November 2021

Remembering those today who have lost their lives in conflict, with these lovely hand made poppies displayed in our Grays Almshouses Chapel.

C11 C10

C4 1

Autumn newsletter

7th October 2021

Autumn newsletter Oct 2021

Fred & Doris

28th September 2021

Happy 1st birthday to the famous Leycroft Close Flowerpot men Fred & Doris, who celebrated their birthday with our Residents Benny & Elsie who were also celebrating their birthdays with a glass of sherry or two in the sunshine!



Card night

18th September 2021

The Residents of Leycroft Close enjoyed a card night with a ploughman’s style buffet arranged by their Warden Ali.

There was a good turn out with 19 Residents attending the evening and they raised over £60.00 for local charities.

C1 C2 C4


17th September 2021

Happy 90th Birthday to our Resident Herta who has lived on one of our sites for nearly 20 years.

To celebrate her birthday she had a party in the community room with her neighbours and friends. She said how much she had enjoyed herself.

Herta received so many birthday cards she is running out of space to put them all up!

H5 Herta 90 Herta

Jeff’s leaving presentation

31st August 2021

Jeff Payne is retiring from his role as the Properties Manager for Taunton Heritage Trust after a busy 5 years. He is an extremely popular member of the team who will be very much missed by all the Staff, Trustees, Residents and contractors.

We wish him a relaxing retirement filled with plenty of fishing trips and golf.

Jeff retirement

Pimms afternoon

30th July 2021

The Residents at Leycroft Close enjoyed a Pimms and strawberries afternoon. Over 20 Residents turned up to the event. The sun may not of been shining but there were plenty of high spirits and a sunny atmosphere!

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Summer Newsletter

Summer 2021 newsletter

26th July 2021


14th July 2021

We are very lucky to have so many talented gardeners living on our sites. Below are just some of the beautiful pots and flower beds on our site at Leycroft Close:

G10 G2 g12 g11

a surprise furry visitor!

30th June 2021

The Residents had a surprise visitor at their Coffee morning today! It was a 10 week old golden retriever puppy called Ivy. All the Residents were so happy to meet her and have a little cuddle.

P1 P6 pupp CM11

              Ivy even had time to do a little work in the office….

pup ivy

a good news story!

29th June 2021

This week in the Office we received an email, out of the blue from a local man advising us that his late mother had left the Trust £3,000 in her Will.  His mother, a Miss Dollins was born in 1931, came from a poor family in Taunton and suffered from rickets as a child.  The Taunton Town Charity (as the Trust was then called) funded Miss Dollins to get to Bishop Fox’s Grammar School in the town.

Miss Dollins went on to have a family of her own, became a social worker and later in life, a successful property developer, which she continued well into her eighties.  Apparently she never forgot the help she had received from the Charity and wanted to give something back.

We are honoured to receive this generous donation and will ensure it is ringfenced for our Educational Grants Scheme to benefit more young people in the town.

Residents cake & coffee mornings

23rd June 2021

A super turn out at the Cake & Coffee morning at Leycroft Close with Residents enjoying a selection of cakes and biscuits supplied by the Trust with a side order of sunshine!

Cake coffee June 2021 1

March newsletter

2nd March 2021

Newsletter MARCH 2021


Christmas ALMS GIFTS

17th December 2020

We are so disappointed that the pandemic meant that we could not have our Patron, The Mayor of Taunton, hand out the Christmas alms gifts to our Residents at a coffee morning this year.

The gifts have instead been delivered by the office staff who took the opportunity to wish all our Residents a Happy Christmas and a happy, healthy 2021.

  1G 13BTH 12BTH 15bth


Christmas lights

10th December 2020

Our Residents at Leycroft Close have been busy getting into the Christmas spirit and have done an amazing job decorating the outside of their flats and gardens with lots of beautiful Christmas lights.

Even the flower pot men were decorated in lights!

L13 L15

L7 L4 20180223 204102 L2

Hampers for our residents

25th November 2020

What a fabulous morning we have had delivering hampers from the Staff & Trustees to our Residents to give them something to smile about during these difficult times.

Our Residents were so happy to receive the hampers as they were an unexpected surprise. We even had happy tears from some of our Residents.

A big thank you to The Hamper Guys in Taunton for supplying the beautiful hampers.

  H9  H20   H28                                      H12  H27  H26

H8  H22 1   H6


16th October 2020

Our latest newsletter is now available. Please click on the link below:

Autumn newsletter 2020

Corfield hall update

21st August 2020

Corfield HallA fantastic result was achieved for the Planning and Listed Building Consent for new Almshouses at the Corfield Hall site. The committee of Local Councillors who unanimously voted in favour of the scheme with 12 out of 12 votes provided the following feedback:

“Very good example of putting houses in where sorely needed”

“Right scheme carefully considered”

“The best designed planning application I have seen presented to this committee – fantastic scheme”

“Carefully thought through – the design looks good.”

“5 Star – absolute gold standard”

Johnathan Rhind were appointed by Taunton Heritage Trust to design a new Almshouse facility which would include 11 new flats, a community hall and new offices for the Trust’s staff.

The proposals involve the demolition of the existing Corfield Hall to make way for a sensitively designed three storey building.

Working closely with the architects they prepared a design which went through several stages of pre-application consultation with Somerset West and Taunton Council Planning and Conservation Officers, Historic England and the South West Design Review Panel. Sunlight and Daylight modelling was critical to ensure the design would not impact the neighbouring residential block.

We are delighted with the outcome and look forward to progressing this prestigious project to site in the near future.

Corfield hall update

21st August 2020

Corfield HallA fantastic result was achieved for the Planning and Listed Building Consent for new Almshouses at the Corfield Hall site. The committee of Local Councillors who unanimously voted in favour of the scheme with 12 out of 12 votes provided the following feedback:

“Very good example of putting houses in where sorely needed”

“Right scheme carefully considered”

“The best designed planning application I have seen presented to this committee – fantastic scheme”

“Carefully thought through – the design looks good.”

“5 Star – absolute gold standard”

Johnathan Rhind were appointed by Taunton Heritage Trust to design a new Almshouse facility which would include 11 new flats, a community hall and new offices for the Trust’s staff.

The proposals involve the demolition of the existing Corfield Hall to make way for a sensitively designed three storey building.

Working closely with the architects they prepared a design which went through several stages of pre-application consultation with Somerset West and Taunton Council Planning and Conservation Officers, Historic England and the South West Design Review Panel. Sunlight and Daylight modelling was critical to ensure the design would not impact the neighbouring residential block.

We are delighted with the outcome and look forward to progressing this prestigious project to site in the near future.


7th September 2020

Under normal circumstances we would be opening Grays Almshouses to the public this Saturday, as part of the national Heritage Open Days scheme. As the almshouses are people’s homes regrettably we cannot do this during the pandemic. Here are a few photos to make up for it!

Grays Front Almshouse PlaqueDonations Signentire chapel  Bernard Keys  Red Door  Portrait News


16th July 2020

We carried out a survey with our Residents at the end of last year. The feedback has been really interesting and helpful. Please use the link below to view the survey:

Survey pub 2019


Friday 29th May 2020

Our latest newsletter is now available. Please use the link below to view:

Spring 2020 Newsletter

ve dAY celebrations

Friday 8th May 2020

How lovely to see that our Residents at Leycroft Close enjoyed their VE celebrations whilst socially distancing. Looks like they had a great time.


Social distancing in the sun

15th April 2020

Lovely to see our Residents at Leycroft Close enjoying the sunshine in the garden whilst complying with social distancing rules.

SD1   SD3   SD2

“buddy system”

27th March 2020

We are immensely proud of our Residents who are all so resilient and upbeat during these difficult times of lock down. The staff of Taunton Heritage Trust have set up a “Buddy System” where we phone a number of our Residents each day for a chat to make sure they are ok.

We are all really enjoying our chats and supporting our brilliant wardens, Jacqui & Ali. The Wardens are continuing to provide a fantastic service to our Residents, in a safe manner.

Trustee opportunity

29th January 2020

This is a pivotal time for the Taunton Heritage Trust as we are embarking on an ambitious project to develop an important town-centre site to provide additional almshouse accommodation and replacement offices for our Staff. This will confirm our place as a local housing provider well into the twenty first century. We are looking for dynamic and dedicated individuals to serve as Trustees, who share the ethos of our almshouse charity and want to get involved.

If you feel you have something to offer and in return would enjoy the challenge of working with people from all walks of life with a common goal, we would love to hear from you.

Get in touch with Karen White, our Chief Officer for an informal chat or request an application pack.
01823 335348

Christmas visit from the Mayor

12th December 2019

A lovely visit by our Patron, the Mayor, to give out alms gifts to our Residents for Christmas. The Mayor is pictured with some of our Trustees and the Chief Officer at a reception to thank all our professional advisors for their valuable help over the past year.

Mayor Xmas 2019

Christmas is coming!!!

11th December 2019

We had our Residents Christmas party at Somerset County Cricket Club on Monday 9th December 2019. The party was attended by our Residents, staff, Trustees and the Mayor. Everyone who came had such a good time. We all really enjoyed the delicious 3 courses of Christmas dinner. This was followed by a raffle and lots of singing and dancing!!

X27 X33 X12  X11 X2 X9

X16 X1 

Almshouse design for the 21st Century

— 02 Oct 2019

An interesting piece on Taunton Heritage Trust by Jonathan Rhind Architects:


THT have several almshouses in the centre of Taunton already, such as Bernard Taylor


Taunton heritage trust crest Large

Jonathan Rhind Architects are delighted to have been commissioned by the Taunton Heritage Trust (THT) to design and build a new almshouse in the centre of Taunton.

The Taunton Heritage Trust is a charity which provides housing for the over 60s who are in need. The properties they manage provide secure housing for people who want and are able to live alone, but with the benefit of additional support.

Almshouses in Britain date back to the 10th Century, when they were generally run by religious orders for the benefit of the sick and elderly. With the dissolution of the monasteries many almshouses were also lost. The urbanisation of work in the Georgian and Victorian eras lead to an upsurge in the building of almshouses by wealthy philanthropists to counter the appalling conditions in workhouses, and the result is many of the historic almshouse buildings that we see in towns and cities today.

The Taunton Heritage Trust run several almshouses which are based in such historic properties. With full occupancy and a waiting list for places the Charity is in need of more accommodation to deal with the increase in demand. In 2018 the Trust purchased a site in the centre of Taunton for more housing and new offices to accommodate the increasing requirement.

Jonathan Rhind Architects were one of four firms of Architects who were approached to submit designs for the proposed site and were delighted to win against stiff competition with a design which was the best fit for the site as well as being a lasting piece of architecture which will become an important part of Taunton’s heritage.

The project had a positive response when presented to the Southwest Design Review Panel and is currently in consultation with the local community and Somerset West and Taunton Council. It is important to the THT that the building respects its surroundings as well as meeting the needs of its residents. The new almshouse will have both one and two person flats, lift access for those with mobility issues, as well as a communal garden, community meeting rooms and improved offices for the Trust.

Karen White, Chief Officer of the THT said ‘The Trust is custodian to some important heritage buildings which are maintained to a very high standard and we feel [this] development opportunity… will complement our existing portfolio and ensure that the Trust remains relevant as a housing provider well into the twenty first century and beyond.’

Jonathan Rhind Architects are excited to be collaborating on a project which will have a positive social impact as well as contributing an important architectural design to the heart of Taunton town centre.

We will be posting more updates as this exciting project progresses, so watch this space.

59b4cb5d 566a 4aa6 a468 52962335af34

Heritage Open Day at Grays Almshouses on 14th September 2019

We had a very busy time showing people around our Grays Almshouses as part of the Heritage Open Days scheme.

We were so grateful to the Staff, Trustees and our Patron the Mayor of Taunton for giving up their time to help. A massive thank you to our three lovely Residents who showed people inside their flats.

For more information about the Heritage Open Day scheme please visit:

Staff members Laura & Jan busy in the chapel                      Our Residents: Jan, Rob & George who kindly showed visitors their flats.


Our Patron the Mayor of Taunton helped out by showing visitors around.

HOD4 entire chapel

Residents Summer Outing to Sidmouth – 14th June 2019

We returned to Sidmouth for our annual Summer trip on Friday 14th June. We were really lucky with the weather as it stayed dry for us and the sun even made a little appearance.

The Residents had a lovely time at the Hotel which is in an excellent location with stunning views of the sea.

The staff were really welcoming and friendly and all who attended felt well looked after.

The lunch served was really lovely, especially the amazing desserts!

SID 2SID 1 SID 11SID 13 SID 10SID 14

Almshouse Association Seminar – June 2019

Our Chief Officer, Karen White together with Trustee Liz Fothergill attended the Almshouse Association’s first Members Day Conference on 05 June at the Haberdashers Hall in London. The event was…
Read More
Easter 222

Easter Egg Hunt – 19th April 2019

We were so blessed with the weather this year at our Easter Event. We had a range of fun activities including the egg hunt around the gardens at Bernard Taylor…
Read More
017 Resized

Race Night

Photos from our recent Race night held at our Leycroft Close site. All Residents who came enjoyed home cooked food made by our Warden followed by the horse racing.  
Read More
Residents' charity coffee mornings

Residents’ charity coffee mornings

So proud of the Taunton Heritage Trust Residents who raised over £300 for Macmillan and other local charities at their coffee mornings last week, and had a lot of fun in the…
Read More

Heritage Open Day – 15 September 2018

As part of the national Heritage Open Days scheme we are opening to visitors the chapel and garden at Grays Almshouses, East Street, Taunton TA1 3NA on Saturday 15 September…
Read More

Heritage Open Days – Grays Almshouses

17th September 2022

After a three year wait, we were finally able to re-open the doors of our Grays Almshouses to the public as part of the Heritage Open Days. The day was extremely busy with over 120 visitors. The public had the opportunity to look around Grays Almshouses and learn more about the history of the building and how the Taunton Heritage Trust started.

A Resident of the Trust kindly opened up his flat to allow members of the public to see what it is like to live in such a n historic building.

A big thank you to all the Staff, Associates, Trustees and the Mayor who helped out on the day.

H5 1  H3 1   H2 H1

Summer Newsletter

Summer newsletter – 2022

16th August 2022


Residents BBQ’s

1st August 2022

Our Residents have been making the most of the recent heatwave and have been planning lots of social events including BBQ’s.

Leycroft Close & Bernard Taylor Homes site have recently had BBQs on site which was arranged by the Residents themselves.

b1 b2 BBQ July 3 BBQ July 2


Residents Survey & Analysis 2022

28th June 2022

Survey pub 2022



Residents Summer outing to Sidmouth

9th June 2022

After a long three year wait we were finally able to arrange a Summer outing for our Residents. As part of our offering as an Almshouse charity we like to take our Residents on one summer trip a year.

We decided to return to Sidmouth again (We were due to go in 2020) after having such a lovely time on the last trip there in 2019.

We were lucky with the weather and the rain held off for us. We arrived at the seafront hotel – The Hotel Riviera at 10.30am for refreshments. After this we all had a wander across the seafront and through the town. We then returned to the hotel for a gorgeous two course lunch with views of the sea.

Once lunch was finished there was still time to enjoy the Sidmouth sights before the coach came to pick us up.

Residents & staff all had a lovely time and we cannot wait for next years trip!

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S13 S17 S15

S25 S21 S24

Spring newsletter!

26th May 2022

Spring newsletter – May 2022

Deputy Chief Officer Role

22nd April 2022

We are pleased to be able to inform all Residents that effective April 2022, Nick Beresford has taken on the additional role of Deputy Chief Officer.  Nick will continue to be the Trust’s Properties Manager and in addition will be working closely alongside Karen White, supporting her in her role as CO and covering for Karen in her absence.  This is a very positive step for the Trust and all Trustees and Staff are pleased that Nick has taken this on.

Nick Beresford 1

Easter egg hunt

19th April 2022

Our Warden Jacqui held a Easter egg hunt in the gardens of our Bernard Taylor Homes site. The event was enjoyed by the grandchildren and our Residents! 🐣🐰

e1 E2 e6 e3 e7 e4

Easter 1 1

Residents Summer Outing

31st March 2022


New Winter newsletter!!

28th February 2022

Winter newsletter – February 2022

Happy Retirement to Jan

11th February 2022

Happy Retirement to our Office & Compliance Manager Jan who has worked with the Trust for over 12 years and will be dearly missed by all. We thank her for all her hard work and support over the years.

The Staff & Trustees held a leaving presentation for her and thanked her for her service with a selection of gifts and the Chair gave an extra special speech.

The staff also arranged a farewell lunch at a restaurant nearby.

We wish her the best in her next adventure!

J1 1 J12

J2 1 J5 1 J7 1 J9

J15 1 J10

Jans leaving lunch

Residents Craft Afternoon

7th January 2022

The Residents enjoyed their craft afternoon in the community room at Bernard Taylor Homes. The event had been organised by one of our Resident who is a keen crafter and happily helped others with their creations.

We are so lucky to have so many talented knitters amongst our Residents!

C1 2 C4 3 C2 2 C3 1




Christmas visit from the Mayor

15th December 2021

We had to scale back our usual Christmas coffee morning event with the Mayor this year to a drop in event but we are so lucky it could still go ahead . A huge thank you to our Patron, The Mayor Sue Lees and her Deputy, Brenda Weston for handing out the alms gifts to our lovely Residents, as is our annual Christmas tradition.

M2 2  M18

M21 M19 M17 M21 M15 1

M14 1 M13 1 M12 1 M10 1 LC1 1 LC2 LC3 LC5


Christmas Party 2021

9th December 2021

We were lucky enough to be able to have a Christmas party this year at the Somerset County Cricket Club. Residents, Staff, Trustees and the Mayor attended and enjoyed a superb three course Christmas dinner and were all entertained by an amazing magician!

It really was such a special event and everyone had a fabulous time.

C1 1 C2 1 c5 c3 c11 1

c6 c7 c9

c12 c25 c27 c35 c18 c23

c38 c31 c34

c17 c14 c15 c32

J5 c37 c24  c40

Remembrance Day

11th November 2021

Remembering those today who have lost their lives in conflict, with these lovely hand made poppies displayed in our Grays Almshouses Chapel.

C11 C10

C4 1

Autumn newsletter

7th October 2021

Autumn newsletter Oct 2021

Fred & Doris

28th September 2021

Happy 1st birthday to the famous Leycroft Close Flowerpot men Fred & Doris, who celebrated their birthday with our Residents Benny & Elsie who were also celebrating their birthdays with a glass of sherry or two in the sunshine!



Card night

18th September 2021

The Residents of Leycroft Close enjoyed a card night with a ploughman’s style buffet arranged by their Warden Ali.

There was a good turn out with 19 Residents attending the evening and they raised over £60.00 for local charities.

C1 C2 C4


17th September 2021

Happy 90th Birthday to our Resident Herta who has lived on one of our sites for nearly 20 years.

To celebrate her birthday she had a party in the community room with her neighbours and friends. She said how much she had enjoyed herself.

Herta received so many birthday cards she is running out of space to put them all up!

H5 Herta 90 Herta

Jeff’s leaving presentation

31st August 2021

Jeff Payne is retiring from his role as the Properties Manager for Taunton Heritage Trust after a busy 5 years. He is an extremely popular member of the team who will be very much missed by all the Staff, Trustees, Residents and contractors.

We wish him a relaxing retirement filled with plenty of fishing trips and golf.

Jeff retirement

Pimms afternoon

30th July 2021

The Residents at Leycroft Close enjoyed a Pimms and strawberries afternoon. Over 20 Residents turned up to the event. The sun may not of been shining but there were plenty of high spirits and a sunny atmosphere!

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Summer Newsletter

Summer 2021 newsletter

26th July 2021


14th July 2021

We are very lucky to have so many talented gardeners living on our sites. Below are just some of the beautiful pots and flower beds on our site at Leycroft Close:

G10 G2 g12 g11

a surprise furry visitor!

30th June 2021

The Residents had a surprise visitor at their Coffee morning today! It was a 10 week old golden retriever puppy called Ivy. All the Residents were so happy to meet her and have a little cuddle.

P1 P6 pupp CM11

              Ivy even had time to do a little work in the office….

pup ivy

a good news story!

29th June 2021

This week in the Office we received an email, out of the blue from a local man advising us that his late mother had left the Trust £3,000 in her Will.  His mother, a Miss Dollins was born in 1931, came from a poor family in Taunton and suffered from rickets as a child.  The Taunton Town Charity (as the Trust was then called) funded Miss Dollins to get to Bishop Fox’s Grammar School in the town.

Miss Dollins went on to have a family of her own, became a social worker and later in life, a successful property developer, which she continued well into her eighties.  Apparently she never forgot the help she had received from the Charity and wanted to give something back.

We are honoured to receive this generous donation and will ensure it is ringfenced for our Educational Grants Scheme to benefit more young people in the town.

Residents cake & coffee mornings

23rd June 2021

A super turn out at the Cake & Coffee morning at Leycroft Close with Residents enjoying a selection of cakes and biscuits supplied by the Trust with a side order of sunshine!

Cake coffee June 2021 1

March newsletter

2nd March 2021

Newsletter MARCH 2021


Christmas ALMS GIFTS

17th December 2020

We are so disappointed that the pandemic meant that we could not have our Patron, The Mayor of Taunton, hand out the Christmas alms gifts to our Residents at a coffee morning this year.

The gifts have instead been delivered by the office staff who took the opportunity to wish all our Residents a Happy Christmas and a happy, healthy 2021.

  1G 13BTH 12BTH 15bth


Christmas lights

10th December 2020

Our Residents at Leycroft Close have been busy getting into the Christmas spirit and have done an amazing job decorating the outside of their flats and gardens with lots of beautiful Christmas lights.

Even the flower pot men were decorated in lights!

L13 L15

L7 L4 20180223 204102 L2

Hampers for our residents

25th November 2020

What a fabulous morning we have had delivering hampers from the Staff & Trustees to our Residents to give them something to smile about during these difficult times.

Our Residents were so happy to receive the hampers as they were an unexpected surprise. We even had happy tears from some of our Residents.

A big thank you to The Hamper Guys in Taunton for supplying the beautiful hampers.

  H9  H20   H28                                      H12  H27  H26

H8  H22 1   H6


16th October 2020

Our latest newsletter is now available. Please click on the link below:

Autumn newsletter 2020

Corfield hall update

21st August 2020

Corfield HallA fantastic result was achieved for the Planning and Listed Building Consent for new Almshouses at the Corfield Hall site. The committee of Local Councillors who unanimously voted in favour of the scheme with 12 out of 12 votes provided the following feedback:

“Very good example of putting houses in where sorely needed”

“Right scheme carefully considered”

“The best designed planning application I have seen presented to this committee – fantastic scheme”

“Carefully thought through – the design looks good.”

“5 Star – absolute gold standard”

Johnathan Rhind were appointed by Taunton Heritage Trust to design a new Almshouse facility which would include 11 new flats, a community hall and new offices for the Trust’s staff.

The proposals involve the demolition of the existing Corfield Hall to make way for a sensitively designed three storey building.

Working closely with the architects they prepared a design which went through several stages of pre-application consultation with Somerset West and Taunton Council Planning and Conservation Officers, Historic England and the South West Design Review Panel. Sunlight and Daylight modelling was critical to ensure the design would not impact the neighbouring residential block.

We are delighted with the outcome and look forward to progressing this prestigious project to site in the near future.

Corfield hall update

21st August 2020

Corfield HallA fantastic result was achieved for the Planning and Listed Building Consent for new Almshouses at the Corfield Hall site. The committee of Local Councillors who unanimously voted in favour of the scheme with 12 out of 12 votes provided the following feedback:

“Very good example of putting houses in where sorely needed”

“Right scheme carefully considered”

“The best designed planning application I have seen presented to this committee – fantastic scheme”

“Carefully thought through – the design looks good.”

“5 Star – absolute gold standard”

Johnathan Rhind were appointed by Taunton Heritage Trust to design a new Almshouse facility which would include 11 new flats, a community hall and new offices for the Trust’s staff.

The proposals involve the demolition of the existing Corfield Hall to make way for a sensitively designed three storey building.

Working closely with the architects they prepared a design which went through several stages of pre-application consultation with Somerset West and Taunton Council Planning and Conservation Officers, Historic England and the South West Design Review Panel. Sunlight and Daylight modelling was critical to ensure the design would not impact the neighbouring residential block.

We are delighted with the outcome and look forward to progressing this prestigious project to site in the near future.


7th September 2020

Under normal circumstances we would be opening Grays Almshouses to the public this Saturday, as part of the national Heritage Open Days scheme. As the almshouses are people’s homes regrettably we cannot do this during the pandemic. Here are a few photos to make up for it!

Grays Front Almshouse PlaqueDonations Signentire chapel  Bernard Keys  Red Door  Portrait News


16th July 2020

We carried out a survey with our Residents at the end of last year. The feedback has been really interesting and helpful. Please use the link below to view the survey:

Survey pub 2019


Friday 29th May 2020

Our latest newsletter is now available. Please use the link below to view:

Spring 2020 Newsletter

ve dAY celebrations

Friday 8th May 2020

How lovely to see that our Residents at Leycroft Close enjoyed their VE celebrations whilst socially distancing. Looks like they had a great time.


Social distancing in the sun

15th April 2020

Lovely to see our Residents at Leycroft Close enjoying the sunshine in the garden whilst complying with social distancing rules.

SD1   SD3   SD2

“buddy system”

27th March 2020

We are immensely proud of our Residents who are all so resilient and upbeat during these difficult times of lock down. The staff of Taunton Heritage Trust have set up a “Buddy System” where we phone a number of our Residents each day for a chat to make sure they are ok.

We are all really enjoying our chats and supporting our brilliant wardens, Jacqui & Ali. The Wardens are continuing to provide a fantastic service to our Residents, in a safe manner.

Trustee opportunity

29th January 2020

This is a pivotal time for the Taunton Heritage Trust as we are embarking on an ambitious project to develop an important town-centre site to provide additional almshouse accommodation and replacement offices for our Staff. This will confirm our place as a local housing provider well into the twenty first century. We are looking for dynamic and dedicated individuals to serve as Trustees, who share the ethos of our almshouse charity and want to get involved.

If you feel you have something to offer and in return would enjoy the challenge of working with people from all walks of life with a common goal, we would love to hear from you.

Get in touch with Karen White, our Chief Officer for an informal chat or request an application pack.
01823 335348

Christmas visit from the Mayor

12th December 2019

A lovely visit by our Patron, the Mayor, to give out alms gifts to our Residents for Christmas. The Mayor is pictured with some of our Trustees and the Chief Officer at a reception to thank all our professional advisors for their valuable help over the past year.

Mayor Xmas 2019

Christmas is coming!!!

11th December 2019

We had our Residents Christmas party at Somerset County Cricket Club on Monday 9th December 2019. The party was attended by our Residents, staff, Trustees and the Mayor. Everyone who came had such a good time. We all really enjoyed the delicious 3 courses of Christmas dinner. This was followed by a raffle and lots of singing and dancing!!

X27 X33 X12  X11 X2 X9

X16 X1 

Almshouse design for the 21st Century

— 02 Oct 2019

An interesting piece on Taunton Heritage Trust by Jonathan Rhind Architects:


THT have several almshouses in the centre of Taunton already, such as Bernard Taylor


Taunton heritage trust crest Large

Jonathan Rhind Architects are delighted to have been commissioned by the Taunton Heritage Trust (THT) to design and build a new almshouse in the centre of Taunton.

The Taunton Heritage Trust is a charity which provides housing for the over 60s who are in need. The properties they manage provide secure housing for people who want and are able to live alone, but with the benefit of additional support.

Almshouses in Britain date back to the 10th Century, when they were generally run by religious orders for the benefit of the sick and elderly. With the dissolution of the monasteries many almshouses were also lost. The urbanisation of work in the Georgian and Victorian eras lead to an upsurge in the building of almshouses by wealthy philanthropists to counter the appalling conditions in workhouses, and the result is many of the historic almshouse buildings that we see in towns and cities today.

The Taunton Heritage Trust run several almshouses which are based in such historic properties. With full occupancy and a waiting list for places the Charity is in need of more accommodation to deal with the increase in demand. In 2018 the Trust purchased a site in the centre of Taunton for more housing and new offices to accommodate the increasing requirement.

Jonathan Rhind Architects were one of four firms of Architects who were approached to submit designs for the proposed site and were delighted to win against stiff competition with a design which was the best fit for the site as well as being a lasting piece of architecture which will become an important part of Taunton’s heritage.

The project had a positive response when presented to the Southwest Design Review Panel and is currently in consultation with the local community and Somerset West and Taunton Council. It is important to the THT that the building respects its surroundings as well as meeting the needs of its residents. The new almshouse will have both one and two person flats, lift access for those with mobility issues, as well as a communal garden, community meeting rooms and improved offices for the Trust.

Karen White, Chief Officer of the THT said ‘The Trust is custodian to some important heritage buildings which are maintained to a very high standard and we feel [this] development opportunity… will complement our existing portfolio and ensure that the Trust remains relevant as a housing provider well into the twenty first century and beyond.’

Jonathan Rhind Architects are excited to be collaborating on a project which will have a positive social impact as well as contributing an important architectural design to the heart of Taunton town centre.

We will be posting more updates as this exciting project progresses, so watch this space.

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Heritage Open Day at Grays Almshouses on 14th September 2019

We had a very busy time showing people around our Grays Almshouses as part of the Heritage Open Days scheme.

We were so grateful to the Staff, Trustees and our Patron the Mayor of Taunton for giving up their time to help. A massive thank you to our three lovely Residents who showed people inside their flats.

For more information about the Heritage Open Day scheme please visit:

Staff members Laura & Jan busy in the chapel                      Our Residents: Jan, Rob & George who kindly showed visitors their flats.


Our Patron the Mayor of Taunton helped out by showing visitors around.

HOD4 entire chapel

Residents Summer Outing to Sidmouth – 14th June 2019

We returned to Sidmouth for our annual Summer trip on Friday 14th June. We were really lucky with the weather as it stayed dry for us and the sun even made a little appearance.

The Residents had a lovely time at the Hotel which is in an excellent location with stunning views of the sea.

The staff were really welcoming and friendly and all who attended felt well looked after.

The lunch served was really lovely, especially the amazing desserts!

SID 2SID 1 SID 11SID 13 SID 10SID 14

Almshouse Association Seminar – June 2019

Our Chief Officer, Karen White together with Trustee Liz Fothergill attended the Almshouse Association’s first Members Day Conference on 05 June at the Haberdashers Hall in London. The event was…
Read More
Easter 222

Easter Egg Hunt – 19th April 2019

We were so blessed with the weather this year at our Easter Event. We had a range of fun activities including the egg hunt around the gardens at Bernard Taylor…
Read More
017 Resized

Race Night

Photos from our recent Race night held at our Leycroft Close site. All Residents who came enjoyed home cooked food made by our Warden followed by the horse racing.  
Read More
Residents' charity coffee mornings

Residents’ charity coffee mornings

So proud of the Taunton Heritage Trust Residents who raised over £300 for Macmillan and other local charities at their coffee mornings last week, and had a lot of fun in the…
Read More

Heritage Open Day – 15 September 2018

As part of the national Heritage Open Days scheme we are opening to visitors the chapel and garden at Grays Almshouses, East Street, Taunton TA1 3NA on Saturday 15 September…
Read More

Happy Retirement to Jan

11th February 2022

Happy Retirement to our Office & Compliance Manager Jan who has worked with the Trust for over 12 years and will be dearly missed by all. We thank her for all her hard work and support over the years.

The Staff & Trustees held a leaving presentation for her and thanked her for her service with a selection of gifts and the Chair gave an extra special speech.

The staff also arranged a farewell lunch at a restaurant nearby.

We wish her the best in her next adventure!

J1 1 J12

J2 1 J5 1 J7 1 J9

J15 1 J10

Jans leaving lunch

Residents Craft Afternoon

7th January 2022

The Residents enjoyed their craft afternoon in the community room at Bernard Taylor Homes. The event had been organised by one of our Resident who is a keen crafter and happily helped others with their creations.

We are so lucky to have so many talented knitters amongst our Residents!

C1 2 C4 3 C2 2 C3 1




Christmas visit from the Mayor

15th December 2021

We had to scale back our usual Christmas coffee morning event with the Mayor this year to a drop in event but we are so lucky it could still go ahead . A huge thank you to our Patron, The Mayor Sue Lees and her Deputy, Brenda Weston for handing out the alms gifts to our lovely Residents, as is our annual Christmas tradition.

M2 2  M18

M21 M19 M17 M21 M15 1

M14 1 M13 1 M12 1 M10 1 LC1 1 LC2 LC3 LC5


Christmas Party 2021

9th December 2021

We were lucky enough to be able to have a Christmas party this year at the Somerset County Cricket Club. Residents, Staff, Trustees and the Mayor attended and enjoyed a superb three course Christmas dinner and were all entertained by an amazing magician!

It really was such a special event and everyone had a fabulous time.

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c6 c7 c9

c12 c25 c27 c35 c18 c23

c38 c31 c34

c17 c14 c15 c32

J5 c37 c24  c40

Remembrance Day

11th November 2021

Remembering those today who have lost their lives in conflict, with these lovely hand made poppies displayed in our Grays Almshouses Chapel.

C11 C10

C4 1

Autumn newsletter

7th October 2021

Autumn newsletter Oct 2021

Fred & Doris

28th September 2021

Happy 1st birthday to the famous Leycroft Close Flowerpot men Fred & Doris, who celebrated their birthday with our Residents Benny & Elsie who were also celebrating their birthdays with a glass of sherry or two in the sunshine!



Card night

18th September 2021

The Residents of Leycroft Close enjoyed a card night with a ploughman’s style buffet arranged by their Warden Ali.

There was a good turn out with 19 Residents attending the evening and they raised over £60.00 for local charities.

C1 C2 C4


17th September 2021

Happy 90th Birthday to our Resident Herta who has lived on one of our sites for nearly 20 years.

To celebrate her birthday she had a party in the community room with her neighbours and friends. She said how much she had enjoyed herself.

Herta received so many birthday cards she is running out of space to put them all up!

H5 Herta 90 Herta

Jeff’s leaving presentation

31st August 2021

Jeff Payne is retiring from his role as the Properties Manager for Taunton Heritage Trust after a busy 5 years. He is an extremely popular member of the team who will be very much missed by all the Staff, Trustees, Residents and contractors.

We wish him a relaxing retirement filled with plenty of fishing trips and golf.

Jeff retirement

Pimms afternoon

30th July 2021

The Residents at Leycroft Close enjoyed a Pimms and strawberries afternoon. Over 20 Residents turned up to the event. The sun may not of been shining but there were plenty of high spirits and a sunny atmosphere!

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Summer Newsletter

Summer 2021 newsletter

26th July 2021


14th July 2021

We are very lucky to have so many talented gardeners living on our sites. Below are just some of the beautiful pots and flower beds on our site at Leycroft Close:

G10 G2 g12 g11

a surprise furry visitor!

30th June 2021

The Residents had a surprise visitor at their Coffee morning today! It was a 10 week old golden retriever puppy called Ivy. All the Residents were so happy to meet her and have a little cuddle.

P1 P6 pupp CM11

              Ivy even had time to do a little work in the office….

pup ivy

a good news story!

29th June 2021

This week in the Office we received an email, out of the blue from a local man advising us that his late mother had left the Trust £3,000 in her Will.  His mother, a Miss Dollins was born in 1931, came from a poor family in Taunton and suffered from rickets as a child.  The Taunton Town Charity (as the Trust was then called) funded Miss Dollins to get to Bishop Fox’s Grammar School in the town.

Miss Dollins went on to have a family of her own, became a social worker and later in life, a successful property developer, which she continued well into her eighties.  Apparently she never forgot the help she had received from the Charity and wanted to give something back.

We are honoured to receive this generous donation and will ensure it is ringfenced for our Educational Grants Scheme to benefit more young people in the town.

Residents cake & coffee mornings

23rd June 2021

A super turn out at the Cake & Coffee morning at Leycroft Close with Residents enjoying a selection of cakes and biscuits supplied by the Trust with a side order of sunshine!

Cake coffee June 2021 1

March newsletter

2nd March 2021

Newsletter MARCH 2021


Christmas ALMS GIFTS

17th December 2020

We are so disappointed that the pandemic meant that we could not have our Patron, The Mayor of Taunton, hand out the Christmas alms gifts to our Residents at a coffee morning this year.

The gifts have instead been delivered by the office staff who took the opportunity to wish all our Residents a Happy Christmas and a happy, healthy 2021.

  1G 13BTH 12BTH 15bth


Christmas lights

10th December 2020

Our Residents at Leycroft Close have been busy getting into the Christmas spirit and have done an amazing job decorating the outside of their flats and gardens with lots of beautiful Christmas lights.

Even the flower pot men were decorated in lights!

L13 L15

L7 L4 20180223 204102 L2

Hampers for our residents

25th November 2020

What a fabulous morning we have had delivering hampers from the Staff & Trustees to our Residents to give them something to smile about during these difficult times.

Our Residents were so happy to receive the hampers as they were an unexpected surprise. We even had happy tears from some of our Residents.

A big thank you to The Hamper Guys in Taunton for supplying the beautiful hampers.

  H9  H20   H28                                      H12  H27  H26

H8  H22 1   H6


16th October 2020

Our latest newsletter is now available. Please click on the link below:

Autumn newsletter 2020

Corfield hall update

21st August 2020

Corfield HallA fantastic result was achieved for the Planning and Listed Building Consent for new Almshouses at the Corfield Hall site. The committee of Local Councillors who unanimously voted in favour of the scheme with 12 out of 12 votes provided the following feedback:

“Very good example of putting houses in where sorely needed”

“Right scheme carefully considered”

“The best designed planning application I have seen presented to this committee – fantastic scheme”

“Carefully thought through – the design looks good.”

“5 Star – absolute gold standard”

Johnathan Rhind were appointed by Taunton Heritage Trust to design a new Almshouse facility which would include 11 new flats, a community hall and new offices for the Trust’s staff.

The proposals involve the demolition of the existing Corfield Hall to make way for a sensitively designed three storey building.

Working closely with the architects they prepared a design which went through several stages of pre-application consultation with Somerset West and Taunton Council Planning and Conservation Officers, Historic England and the South West Design Review Panel. Sunlight and Daylight modelling was critical to ensure the design would not impact the neighbouring residential block.

We are delighted with the outcome and look forward to progressing this prestigious project to site in the near future.

Corfield hall update

21st August 2020

Corfield HallA fantastic result was achieved for the Planning and Listed Building Consent for new Almshouses at the Corfield Hall site. The committee of Local Councillors who unanimously voted in favour of the scheme with 12 out of 12 votes provided the following feedback:

“Very good example of putting houses in where sorely needed”

“Right scheme carefully considered”

“The best designed planning application I have seen presented to this committee – fantastic scheme”

“Carefully thought through – the design looks good.”

“5 Star – absolute gold standard”

Johnathan Rhind were appointed by Taunton Heritage Trust to design a new Almshouse facility which would include 11 new flats, a community hall and new offices for the Trust’s staff.

The proposals involve the demolition of the existing Corfield Hall to make way for a sensitively designed three storey building.

Working closely with the architects they prepared a design which went through several stages of pre-application consultation with Somerset West and Taunton Council Planning and Conservation Officers, Historic England and the South West Design Review Panel. Sunlight and Daylight modelling was critical to ensure the design would not impact the neighbouring residential block.

We are delighted with the outcome and look forward to progressing this prestigious project to site in the near future.


7th September 2020

Under normal circumstances we would be opening Grays Almshouses to the public this Saturday, as part of the national Heritage Open Days scheme. As the almshouses are people’s homes regrettably we cannot do this during the pandemic. Here are a few photos to make up for it!

Grays Front Almshouse PlaqueDonations Signentire chapel  Bernard Keys  Red Door  Portrait News


16th July 2020

We carried out a survey with our Residents at the end of last year. The feedback has been really interesting and helpful. Please use the link below to view the survey:

Survey pub 2019


Friday 29th May 2020

Our latest newsletter is now available. Please use the link below to view:

Spring 2020 Newsletter

ve dAY celebrations

Friday 8th May 2020

How lovely to see that our Residents at Leycroft Close enjoyed their VE celebrations whilst socially distancing. Looks like they had a great time.


Social distancing in the sun

15th April 2020

Lovely to see our Residents at Leycroft Close enjoying the sunshine in the garden whilst complying with social distancing rules.

SD1   SD3   SD2

“buddy system”

27th March 2020

We are immensely proud of our Residents who are all so resilient and upbeat during these difficult times of lock down. The staff of Taunton Heritage Trust have set up a “Buddy System” where we phone a number of our Residents each day for a chat to make sure they are ok.

We are all really enjoying our chats and supporting our brilliant wardens, Jacqui & Ali. The Wardens are continuing to provide a fantastic service to our Residents, in a safe manner.

Trustee opportunity

29th January 2020

This is a pivotal time for the Taunton Heritage Trust as we are embarking on an ambitious project to develop an important town-centre site to provide additional almshouse accommodation and replacement offices for our Staff. This will confirm our place as a local housing provider well into the twenty first century. We are looking for dynamic and dedicated individuals to serve as Trustees, who share the ethos of our almshouse charity and want to get involved.

If you feel you have something to offer and in return would enjoy the challenge of working with people from all walks of life with a common goal, we would love to hear from you.

Get in touch with Karen White, our Chief Officer for an informal chat or request an application pack.
01823 335348

Christmas visit from the Mayor

12th December 2019

A lovely visit by our Patron, the Mayor, to give out alms gifts to our Residents for Christmas. The Mayor is pictured with some of our Trustees and the Chief Officer at a reception to thank all our professional advisors for their valuable help over the past year.

Mayor Xmas 2019

Christmas is coming!!!

11th December 2019

We had our Residents Christmas party at Somerset County Cricket Club on Monday 9th December 2019. The party was attended by our Residents, staff, Trustees and the Mayor. Everyone who came had such a good time. We all really enjoyed the delicious 3 courses of Christmas dinner. This was followed by a raffle and lots of singing and dancing!!

X27 X33 X12  X11 X2 X9

X16 X1 

Almshouse design for the 21st Century

— 02 Oct 2019

An interesting piece on Taunton Heritage Trust by Jonathan Rhind Architects:


THT have several almshouses in the centre of Taunton already, such as Bernard Taylor


Taunton heritage trust crest Large

Jonathan Rhind Architects are delighted to have been commissioned by the Taunton Heritage Trust (THT) to design and build a new almshouse in the centre of Taunton.

The Taunton Heritage Trust is a charity which provides housing for the over 60s who are in need. The properties they manage provide secure housing for people who want and are able to live alone, but with the benefit of additional support.

Almshouses in Britain date back to the 10th Century, when they were generally run by religious orders for the benefit of the sick and elderly. With the dissolution of the monasteries many almshouses were also lost. The urbanisation of work in the Georgian and Victorian eras lead to an upsurge in the building of almshouses by wealthy philanthropists to counter the appalling conditions in workhouses, and the result is many of the historic almshouse buildings that we see in towns and cities today.

The Taunton Heritage Trust run several almshouses which are based in such historic properties. With full occupancy and a waiting list for places the Charity is in need of more accommodation to deal with the increase in demand. In 2018 the Trust purchased a site in the centre of Taunton for more housing and new offices to accommodate the increasing requirement.

Jonathan Rhind Architects were one of four firms of Architects who were approached to submit designs for the proposed site and were delighted to win against stiff competition with a design which was the best fit for the site as well as being a lasting piece of architecture which will become an important part of Taunton’s heritage.

The project had a positive response when presented to the Southwest Design Review Panel and is currently in consultation with the local community and Somerset West and Taunton Council. It is important to the THT that the building respects its surroundings as well as meeting the needs of its residents. The new almshouse will have both one and two person flats, lift access for those with mobility issues, as well as a communal garden, community meeting rooms and improved offices for the Trust.

Karen White, Chief Officer of the THT said ‘The Trust is custodian to some important heritage buildings which are maintained to a very high standard and we feel [this] development opportunity… will complement our existing portfolio and ensure that the Trust remains relevant as a housing provider well into the twenty first century and beyond.’

Jonathan Rhind Architects are excited to be collaborating on a project which will have a positive social impact as well as contributing an important architectural design to the heart of Taunton town centre.

We will be posting more updates as this exciting project progresses, so watch this space.

59b4cb5d 566a 4aa6 a468 52962335af34

Heritage Open Day at Grays Almshouses on 14th September 2019

We had a very busy time showing people around our Grays Almshouses as part of the Heritage Open Days scheme.

We were so grateful to the Staff, Trustees and our Patron the Mayor of Taunton for giving up their time to help. A massive thank you to our three lovely Residents who showed people inside their flats.

For more information about the Heritage Open Day scheme please visit:

Staff members Laura & Jan busy in the chapel                      Our Residents: Jan, Rob & George who kindly showed visitors their flats.


Our Patron the Mayor of Taunton helped out by showing visitors around.

HOD4 entire chapel

Residents Summer Outing to Sidmouth – 14th June 2019

We returned to Sidmouth for our annual Summer trip on Friday 14th June. We were really lucky with the weather as it stayed dry for us and the sun even made a little appearance.

The Residents had a lovely time at the Hotel which is in an excellent location with stunning views of the sea.

The staff were really welcoming and friendly and all who attended felt well looked after.

The lunch served was really lovely, especially the amazing desserts!

SID 2SID 1 SID 11SID 13 SID 10SID 14

Almshouse Association Seminar – June 2019

Our Chief Officer, Karen White together with Trustee Liz Fothergill attended the Almshouse Association’s first Members Day Conference on 05 June at the Haberdashers Hall in London. The event was…
Read More
Easter 222

Easter Egg Hunt – 19th April 2019

We were so blessed with the weather this year at our Easter Event. We had a range of fun activities including the egg hunt around the gardens at Bernard Taylor…
Read More
017 Resized

Race Night

Photos from our recent Race night held at our Leycroft Close site. All Residents who came enjoyed home cooked food made by our Warden followed by the horse racing.  
Read More
Residents' charity coffee mornings

Residents’ charity coffee mornings

So proud of the Taunton Heritage Trust Residents who raised over £300 for Macmillan and other local charities at their coffee mornings last week, and had a lot of fun in the…
Read More

Heritage Open Day – 15 September 2018

As part of the national Heritage Open Days scheme we are opening to visitors the chapel and garden at Grays Almshouses, East Street, Taunton TA1 3NA on Saturday 15 September…
Read More

Happy Retirement to Jan

11th February 2022

Happy Retirement to our Office & Compliance Manager Jan who has worked with the Trust for over 12 years and will be dearly missed by all. We thank her for all her hard work and support over the years.

The Staff & Trustees held a leaving presentation for her and thanked her for her service with a selection of gifts and the Chair gave an extra special speech.

The staff also arranged a farewell lunch at a restaurant nearby.

We wish her the best in her next adventure!

J1 1 J12

J2 1 J5 1 J7 1 J9

J15 1 J10

Jans leaving lunch

Residents Craft Afternoon

7th January 2022

The Residents enjoyed their craft afternoon in the community room at Bernard Taylor Homes. The event had been organised by one of our Resident who is a keen crafter and happily helped others with their creations.

We are so lucky to have so many talented knitters amongst our Residents!

C1 2 C4 3 C2 2 C3 1




Christmas visit from the Mayor

15th December 2021

We had to scale back our usual Christmas coffee morning event with the Mayor this year to a drop in event but we are so lucky it could still go ahead . A huge thank you to our Patron, The Mayor Sue Lees and her Deputy, Brenda Weston for handing out the alms gifts to our lovely Residents, as is our annual Christmas tradition.

M2 2  M18

M21 M19 M17 M21 M15 1

M14 1 M13 1 M12 1 M10 1 LC1 1 LC2 LC3 LC5


Christmas Party 2021

9th December 2021

We were lucky enough to be able to have a Christmas party this year at the Somerset County Cricket Club. Residents, Staff, Trustees and the Mayor attended and enjoyed a superb three course Christmas dinner and were all entertained by an amazing magician!

It really was such a special event and everyone had a fabulous time.

C1 1 C2 1 c5 c3 c11 1

c6 c7 c9

c12 c25 c27 c35 c18 c23

c38 c31 c34

c17 c14 c15 c32

J5 c37 c24  c40

Remembrance Day

11th November 2021

Remembering those today who have lost their lives in conflict, with these lovely hand made poppies displayed in our Grays Almshouses Chapel.

C11 C10

C4 1

Autumn newsletter

7th October 2021

Autumn newsletter Oct 2021

Fred & Doris

28th September 2021

Happy 1st birthday to the famous Leycroft Close Flowerpot men Fred & Doris, who celebrated their birthday with our Residents Benny & Elsie who were also celebrating their birthdays with a glass of sherry or two in the sunshine!



Card night

18th September 2021

The Residents of Leycroft Close enjoyed a card night with a ploughman’s style buffet arranged by their Warden Ali.

There was a good turn out with 19 Residents attending the evening and they raised over £60.00 for local charities.

C1 C2 C4


17th September 2021

Happy 90th Birthday to our Resident Herta who has lived on one of our sites for nearly 20 years.

To celebrate her birthday she had a party in the community room with her neighbours and friends. She said how much she had enjoyed herself.

Herta received so many birthday cards she is running out of space to put them all up!

H5 Herta 90 Herta

Jeff’s leaving presentation

31st August 2021

Jeff Payne is retiring from his role as the Properties Manager for Taunton Heritage Trust after a busy 5 years. He is an extremely popular member of the team who will be very much missed by all the Staff, Trustees, Residents and contractors.

We wish him a relaxing retirement filled with plenty of fishing trips and golf.

Jeff retirement

Pimms afternoon

30th July 2021

The Residents at Leycroft Close enjoyed a Pimms and strawberries afternoon. Over 20 Residents turned up to the event. The sun may not of been shining but there were plenty of high spirits and a sunny atmosphere!

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Summer Newsletter

Summer 2021 newsletter

26th July 2021


14th July 2021

We are very lucky to have so many talented gardeners living on our sites. Below are just some of the beautiful pots and flower beds on our site at Leycroft Close:

G10 G2 g12 g11

a surprise furry visitor!

30th June 2021

The Residents had a surprise visitor at their Coffee morning today! It was a 10 week old golden retriever puppy called Ivy. All the Residents were so happy to meet her and have a little cuddle.

P1 P6 pupp CM11

              Ivy even had time to do a little work in the office….

pup ivy

a good news story!

29th June 2021

This week in the Office we received an email, out of the blue from a local man advising us that his late mother had left the Trust £3,000 in her Will.  His mother, a Miss Dollins was born in 1931, came from a poor family in Taunton and suffered from rickets as a child.  The Taunton Town Charity (as the Trust was then called) funded Miss Dollins to get to Bishop Fox’s Grammar School in the town.

Miss Dollins went on to have a family of her own, became a social worker and later in life, a successful property developer, which she continued well into her eighties.  Apparently she never forgot the help she had received from the Charity and wanted to give something back.

We are honoured to receive this generous donation and will ensure it is ringfenced for our Educational Grants Scheme to benefit more young people in the town.

Residents cake & coffee mornings

23rd June 2021

A super turn out at the Cake & Coffee morning at Leycroft Close with Residents enjoying a selection of cakes and biscuits supplied by the Trust with a side order of sunshine!

Cake coffee June 2021 1

March newsletter

2nd March 2021

Newsletter MARCH 2021


Christmas ALMS GIFTS

17th December 2020

We are so disappointed that the pandemic meant that we could not have our Patron, The Mayor of Taunton, hand out the Christmas alms gifts to our Residents at a coffee morning this year.

The gifts have instead been delivered by the office staff who took the opportunity to wish all our Residents a Happy Christmas and a happy, healthy 2021.

  1G 13BTH 12BTH 15bth


Christmas lights

10th December 2020

Our Residents at Leycroft Close have been busy getting into the Christmas spirit and have done an amazing job decorating the outside of their flats and gardens with lots of beautiful Christmas lights.

Even the flower pot men were decorated in lights!

L13 L15

L7 L4 20180223 204102 L2

Hampers for our residents

25th November 2020

What a fabulous morning we have had delivering hampers from the Staff & Trustees to our Residents to give them something to smile about during these difficult times.

Our Residents were so happy to receive the hampers as they were an unexpected surprise. We even had happy tears from some of our Residents.

A big thank you to The Hamper Guys in Taunton for supplying the beautiful hampers.

  H9  H20   H28                                      H12  H27  H26

H8  H22 1   H6


16th October 2020

Our latest newsletter is now available. Please click on the link below:

Autumn newsletter 2020

Corfield hall update

21st August 2020

Corfield HallA fantastic result was achieved for the Planning and Listed Building Consent for new Almshouses at the Corfield Hall site. The committee of Local Councillors who unanimously voted in favour of the scheme with 12 out of 12 votes provided the following feedback:

“Very good example of putting houses in where sorely needed”

“Right scheme carefully considered”

“The best designed planning application I have seen presented to this committee – fantastic scheme”

“Carefully thought through – the design looks good.”

“5 Star – absolute gold standard”

Johnathan Rhind were appointed by Taunton Heritage Trust to design a new Almshouse facility which would include 11 new flats, a community hall and new offices for the Trust’s staff.

The proposals involve the demolition of the existing Corfield Hall to make way for a sensitively designed three storey building.

Working closely with the architects they prepared a design which went through several stages of pre-application consultation with Somerset West and Taunton Council Planning and Conservation Officers, Historic England and the South West Design Review Panel. Sunlight and Daylight modelling was critical to ensure the design would not impact the neighbouring residential block.

We are delighted with the outcome and look forward to progressing this prestigious project to site in the near future.

Corfield hall update

21st August 2020

Corfield HallA fantastic result was achieved for the Planning and Listed Building Consent for new Almshouses at the Corfield Hall site. The committee of Local Councillors who unanimously voted in favour of the scheme with 12 out of 12 votes provided the following feedback:

“Very good example of putting houses in where sorely needed”

“Right scheme carefully considered”

“The best designed planning application I have seen presented to this committee – fantastic scheme”

“Carefully thought through – the design looks good.”

“5 Star – absolute gold standard”

Johnathan Rhind were appointed by Taunton Heritage Trust to design a new Almshouse facility which would include 11 new flats, a community hall and new offices for the Trust’s staff.

The proposals involve the demolition of the existing Corfield Hall to make way for a sensitively designed three storey building.

Working closely with the architects they prepared a design which went through several stages of pre-application consultation with Somerset West and Taunton Council Planning and Conservation Officers, Historic England and the South West Design Review Panel. Sunlight and Daylight modelling was critical to ensure the design would not impact the neighbouring residential block.

We are delighted with the outcome and look forward to progressing this prestigious project to site in the near future.


7th September 2020

Under normal circumstances we would be opening Grays Almshouses to the public this Saturday, as part of the national Heritage Open Days scheme. As the almshouses are people’s homes regrettably we cannot do this during the pandemic. Here are a few photos to make up for it!

Grays Front Almshouse PlaqueDonations Signentire chapel  Bernard Keys  Red Door  Portrait News


16th July 2020

We carried out a survey with our Residents at the end of last year. The feedback has been really interesting and helpful. Please use the link below to view the survey:

Survey pub 2019


Friday 29th May 2020

Our latest newsletter is now available. Please use the link below to view:

Spring 2020 Newsletter

ve dAY celebrations

Friday 8th May 2020

How lovely to see that our Residents at Leycroft Close enjoyed their VE celebrations whilst socially distancing. Looks like they had a great time.


Social distancing in the sun

15th April 2020

Lovely to see our Residents at Leycroft Close enjoying the sunshine in the garden whilst complying with social distancing rules.

SD1   SD3   SD2

“buddy system”

27th March 2020

We are immensely proud of our Residents who are all so resilient and upbeat during these difficult times of lock down. The staff of Taunton Heritage Trust have set up a “Buddy System” where we phone a number of our Residents each day for a chat to make sure they are ok.

We are all really enjoying our chats and supporting our brilliant wardens, Jacqui & Ali. The Wardens are continuing to provide a fantastic service to our Residents, in a safe manner.

Trustee opportunity

29th January 2020

This is a pivotal time for the Taunton Heritage Trust as we are embarking on an ambitious project to develop an important town-centre site to provide additional almshouse accommodation and replacement offices for our Staff. This will confirm our place as a local housing provider well into the twenty first century. We are looking for dynamic and dedicated individuals to serve as Trustees, who share the ethos of our almshouse charity and want to get involved.

If you feel you have something to offer and in return would enjoy the challenge of working with people from all walks of life with a common goal, we would love to hear from you.

Get in touch with Karen White, our Chief Officer for an informal chat or request an application pack.
01823 335348

Christmas visit from the Mayor

12th December 2019

A lovely visit by our Patron, the Mayor, to give out alms gifts to our Residents for Christmas. The Mayor is pictured with some of our Trustees and the Chief Officer at a reception to thank all our professional advisors for their valuable help over the past year.

Mayor Xmas 2019

Christmas is coming!!!

11th December 2019

We had our Residents Christmas party at Somerset County Cricket Club on Monday 9th December 2019. The party was attended by our Residents, staff, Trustees and the Mayor. Everyone who came had such a good time. We all really enjoyed the delicious 3 courses of Christmas dinner. This was followed by a raffle and lots of singing and dancing!!

X27 X33 X12  X11 X2 X9

X16 X1 

Almshouse design for the 21st Century

— 02 Oct 2019

An interesting piece on Taunton Heritage Trust by Jonathan Rhind Architects:


THT have several almshouses in the centre of Taunton already, such as Bernard Taylor


Taunton heritage trust crest Large

Jonathan Rhind Architects are delighted to have been commissioned by the Taunton Heritage Trust (THT) to design and build a new almshouse in the centre of Taunton.

The Taunton Heritage Trust is a charity which provides housing for the over 60s who are in need. The properties they manage provide secure housing for people who want and are able to live alone, but with the benefit of additional support.

Almshouses in Britain date back to the 10th Century, when they were generally run by religious orders for the benefit of the sick and elderly. With the dissolution of the monasteries many almshouses were also lost. The urbanisation of work in the Georgian and Victorian eras lead to an upsurge in the building of almshouses by wealthy philanthropists to counter the appalling conditions in workhouses, and the result is many of the historic almshouse buildings that we see in towns and cities today.

The Taunton Heritage Trust run several almshouses which are based in such historic properties. With full occupancy and a waiting list for places the Charity is in need of more accommodation to deal with the increase in demand. In 2018 the Trust purchased a site in the centre of Taunton for more housing and new offices to accommodate the increasing requirement.

Jonathan Rhind Architects were one of four firms of Architects who were approached to submit designs for the proposed site and were delighted to win against stiff competition with a design which was the best fit for the site as well as being a lasting piece of architecture which will become an important part of Taunton’s heritage.

The project had a positive response when presented to the Southwest Design Review Panel and is currently in consultation with the local community and Somerset West and Taunton Council. It is important to the THT that the building respects its surroundings as well as meeting the needs of its residents. The new almshouse will have both one and two person flats, lift access for those with mobility issues, as well as a communal garden, community meeting rooms and improved offices for the Trust.

Karen White, Chief Officer of the THT said ‘The Trust is custodian to some important heritage buildings which are maintained to a very high standard and we feel [this] development opportunity… will complement our existing portfolio and ensure that the Trust remains relevant as a housing provider well into the twenty first century and beyond.’

Jonathan Rhind Architects are excited to be collaborating on a project which will have a positive social impact as well as contributing an important architectural design to the heart of Taunton town centre.

We will be posting more updates as this exciting project progresses, so watch this space.

59b4cb5d 566a 4aa6 a468 52962335af34

Heritage Open Day at Grays Almshouses on 14th September 2019

We had a very busy time showing people around our Grays Almshouses as part of the Heritage Open Days scheme.

We were so grateful to the Staff, Trustees and our Patron the Mayor of Taunton for giving up their time to help. A massive thank you to our three lovely Residents who showed people inside their flats.

For more information about the Heritage Open Day scheme please visit:

Staff members Laura & Jan busy in the chapel                      Our Residents: Jan, Rob & George who kindly showed visitors their flats.


Our Patron the Mayor of Taunton helped out by showing visitors around.

HOD4 entire chapel

Residents Summer Outing to Sidmouth – 14th June 2019

We returned to Sidmouth for our annual Summer trip on Friday 14th June. We were really lucky with the weather as it stayed dry for us and the sun even made a little appearance.

The Residents had a lovely time at the Hotel which is in an excellent location with stunning views of the sea.

The staff were really welcoming and friendly and all who attended felt well looked after.

The lunch served was really lovely, especially the amazing desserts!

SID 2SID 1 SID 11SID 13 SID 10SID 14

Almshouse Association Seminar – June 2019

Our Chief Officer, Karen White together with Trustee Liz Fothergill attended the Almshouse Association’s first Members Day Conference on 05 June at the Haberdashers Hall in London. The event was…
Read More
Easter 222

Easter Egg Hunt – 19th April 2019

We were so blessed with the weather this year at our Easter Event. We had a range of fun activities including the egg hunt around the gardens at Bernard Taylor…
Read More
017 Resized

Race Night

Photos from our recent Race night held at our Leycroft Close site. All Residents who came enjoyed home cooked food made by our Warden followed by the horse racing.  
Read More
Residents' charity coffee mornings

Residents’ charity coffee mornings

So proud of the Taunton Heritage Trust Residents who raised over £300 for Macmillan and other local charities at their coffee mornings last week, and had a lot of fun in the…
Read More

Heritage Open Day – 15 September 2018

As part of the national Heritage Open Days scheme we are opening to visitors the chapel and garden at Grays Almshouses, East Street, Taunton TA1 3NA on Saturday 15 September…
Read More

Christmas visit from the Mayor

15th December 2021

We had to scale back our usual Christmas coffee morning event with the Mayor this year to a drop in event but we are so lucky it could still go ahead . A huge thank you to our Patron, The Mayor Sue Lees and her Deputy, Brenda Weston for handing out the alms gifts to our lovely Residents, as is our annual Christmas tradition.

M2 2  M18

M21 M19 M17 M21 M15 1

M14 1 M13 1 M12 1 M10 1 LC1 1 LC2 LC3 LC5


Christmas Party 2021

9th December 2021

We were lucky enough to be able to have a Christmas party this year at the Somerset County Cricket Club. Residents, Staff, Trustees and the Mayor attended and enjoyed a superb three course Christmas dinner and were all entertained by an amazing magician!

It really was such a special event and everyone had a fabulous time.

C1 1 C2 1 c5 c3 c11 1

c6 c7 c9

c12 c25 c27 c35 c18 c23

c38 c31 c34

c17 c14 c15 c32

J5 c37 c24  c40

Remembrance Day

11th November 2021

Remembering those today who have lost their lives in conflict, with these lovely hand made poppies displayed in our Grays Almshouses Chapel.

C11 C10

C4 1

Autumn newsletter

7th October 2021

Autumn newsletter Oct 2021

Fred & Doris

28th September 2021

Happy 1st birthday to the famous Leycroft Close Flowerpot men Fred & Doris, who celebrated their birthday with our Residents Benny & Elsie who were also celebrating their birthdays with a glass of sherry or two in the sunshine!



Card night

18th September 2021

The Residents of Leycroft Close enjoyed a card night with a ploughman’s style buffet arranged by their Warden Ali.

There was a good turn out with 19 Residents attending the evening and they raised over £60.00 for local charities.

C1 C2 C4


17th September 2021

Happy 90th Birthday to our Resident Herta who has lived on one of our sites for nearly 20 years.

To celebrate her birthday she had a party in the community room with her neighbours and friends. She said how much she had enjoyed herself.

Herta received so many birthday cards she is running out of space to put them all up!

H5 Herta 90 Herta

Jeff’s leaving presentation

31st August 2021

Jeff Payne is retiring from his role as the Properties Manager for Taunton Heritage Trust after a busy 5 years. He is an extremely popular member of the team who will be very much missed by all the Staff, Trustees, Residents and contractors.

We wish him a relaxing retirement filled with plenty of fishing trips and golf.

Jeff retirement

Pimms afternoon

30th July 2021

The Residents at Leycroft Close enjoyed a Pimms and strawberries afternoon. Over 20 Residents turned up to the event. The sun may not of been shining but there were plenty of high spirits and a sunny atmosphere!

edit 3 edit 2 Edit 1

Summer Newsletter

Summer 2021 newsletter

26th July 2021


14th July 2021

We are very lucky to have so many talented gardeners living on our sites. Below are just some of the beautiful pots and flower beds on our site at Leycroft Close:

G10 G2 g12 g11

a surprise furry visitor!

30th June 2021

The Residents had a surprise visitor at their Coffee morning today! It was a 10 week old golden retriever puppy called Ivy. All the Residents were so happy to meet her and have a little cuddle.

P1 P6 pupp CM11

              Ivy even had time to do a little work in the office….

pup ivy

a good news story!

29th June 2021

This week in the Office we received an email, out of the blue from a local man advising us that his late mother had left the Trust £3,000 in her Will.  His mother, a Miss Dollins was born in 1931, came from a poor family in Taunton and suffered from rickets as a child.  The Taunton Town Charity (as the Trust was then called) funded Miss Dollins to get to Bishop Fox’s Grammar School in the town.

Miss Dollins went on to have a family of her own, became a social worker and later in life, a successful property developer, which she continued well into her eighties.  Apparently she never forgot the help she had received from the Charity and wanted to give something back.

We are honoured to receive this generous donation and will ensure it is ringfenced for our Educational Grants Scheme to benefit more young people in the town.

Residents cake & coffee mornings

23rd June 2021

A super turn out at the Cake & Coffee morning at Leycroft Close with Residents enjoying a selection of cakes and biscuits supplied by the Trust with a side order of sunshine!

Cake coffee June 2021 1

March newsletter

2nd March 2021

Newsletter MARCH 2021


Christmas ALMS GIFTS

17th December 2020

We are so disappointed that the pandemic meant that we could not have our Patron, The Mayor of Taunton, hand out the Christmas alms gifts to our Residents at a coffee morning this year.

The gifts have instead been delivered by the office staff who took the opportunity to wish all our Residents a Happy Christmas and a happy, healthy 2021.

  1G 13BTH 12BTH 15bth


Christmas lights

10th December 2020

Our Residents at Leycroft Close have been busy getting into the Christmas spirit and have done an amazing job decorating the outside of their flats and gardens with lots of beautiful Christmas lights.

Even the flower pot men were decorated in lights!

L13 L15

L7 L4 20180223 204102 L2

Hampers for our residents

25th November 2020

What a fabulous morning we have had delivering hampers from the Staff & Trustees to our Residents to give them something to smile about during these difficult times.

Our Residents were so happy to receive the hampers as they were an unexpected surprise. We even had happy tears from some of our Residents.

A big thank you to The Hamper Guys in Taunton for supplying the beautiful hampers.

  H9  H20   H28                                      H12  H27  H26

H8  H22 1   H6


16th October 2020

Our latest newsletter is now available. Please click on the link below:

Autumn newsletter 2020

Corfield hall update

21st August 2020

Corfield HallA fantastic result was achieved for the Planning and Listed Building Consent for new Almshouses at the Corfield Hall site. The committee of Local Councillors who unanimously voted in favour of the scheme with 12 out of 12 votes provided the following feedback:

“Very good example of putting houses in where sorely needed”

“Right scheme carefully considered”

“The best designed planning application I have seen presented to this committee – fantastic scheme”

“Carefully thought through – the design looks good.”

“5 Star – absolute gold standard”

Johnathan Rhind were appointed by Taunton Heritage Trust to design a new Almshouse facility which would include 11 new flats, a community hall and new offices for the Trust’s staff.

The proposals involve the demolition of the existing Corfield Hall to make way for a sensitively designed three storey building.

Working closely with the architects they prepared a design which went through several stages of pre-application consultation with Somerset West and Taunton Council Planning and Conservation Officers, Historic England and the South West Design Review Panel. Sunlight and Daylight modelling was critical to ensure the design would not impact the neighbouring residential block.

We are delighted with the outcome and look forward to progressing this prestigious project to site in the near future.

Corfield hall update

21st August 2020

Corfield HallA fantastic result was achieved for the Planning and Listed Building Consent for new Almshouses at the Corfield Hall site. The committee of Local Councillors who unanimously voted in favour of the scheme with 12 out of 12 votes provided the following feedback:

“Very good example of putting houses in where sorely needed”

“Right scheme carefully considered”

“The best designed planning application I have seen presented to this committee – fantastic scheme”

“Carefully thought through – the design looks good.”

“5 Star – absolute gold standard”

Johnathan Rhind were appointed by Taunton Heritage Trust to design a new Almshouse facility which would include 11 new flats, a community hall and new offices for the Trust’s staff.

The proposals involve the demolition of the existing Corfield Hall to make way for a sensitively designed three storey building.

Working closely with the architects they prepared a design which went through several stages of pre-application consultation with Somerset West and Taunton Council Planning and Conservation Officers, Historic England and the South West Design Review Panel. Sunlight and Daylight modelling was critical to ensure the design would not impact the neighbouring residential block.

We are delighted with the outcome and look forward to progressing this prestigious project to site in the near future.


7th September 2020

Under normal circumstances we would be opening Grays Almshouses to the public this Saturday, as part of the national Heritage Open Days scheme. As the almshouses are people’s homes regrettably we cannot do this during the pandemic. Here are a few photos to make up for it!

Grays Front Almshouse PlaqueDonations Signentire chapel  Bernard Keys  Red Door  Portrait News


16th July 2020

We carried out a survey with our Residents at the end of last year. The feedback has been really interesting and helpful. Please use the link below to view the survey:

Survey pub 2019


Friday 29th May 2020

Our latest newsletter is now available. Please use the link below to view:

Spring 2020 Newsletter

ve dAY celebrations

Friday 8th May 2020

How lovely to see that our Residents at Leycroft Close enjoyed their VE celebrations whilst socially distancing. Looks like they had a great time.


Social distancing in the sun

15th April 2020

Lovely to see our Residents at Leycroft Close enjoying the sunshine in the garden whilst complying with social distancing rules.

SD1   SD3   SD2

“buddy system”

27th March 2020

We are immensely proud of our Residents who are all so resilient and upbeat during these difficult times of lock down. The staff of Taunton Heritage Trust have set up a “Buddy System” where we phone a number of our Residents each day for a chat to make sure they are ok.

We are all really enjoying our chats and supporting our brilliant wardens, Jacqui & Ali. The Wardens are continuing to provide a fantastic service to our Residents, in a safe manner.

Trustee opportunity

29th January 2020

This is a pivotal time for the Taunton Heritage Trust as we are embarking on an ambitious project to develop an important town-centre site to provide additional almshouse accommodation and replacement offices for our Staff. This will confirm our place as a local housing provider well into the twenty first century. We are looking for dynamic and dedicated individuals to serve as Trustees, who share the ethos of our almshouse charity and want to get involved.

If you feel you have something to offer and in return would enjoy the challenge of working with people from all walks of life with a common goal, we would love to hear from you.

Get in touch with Karen White, our Chief Officer for an informal chat or request an application pack.
01823 335348

Christmas visit from the Mayor

12th December 2019

A lovely visit by our Patron, the Mayor, to give out alms gifts to our Residents for Christmas. The Mayor is pictured with some of our Trustees and the Chief Officer at a reception to thank all our professional advisors for their valuable help over the past year.

Mayor Xmas 2019

Christmas is coming!!!

11th December 2019

We had our Residents Christmas party at Somerset County Cricket Club on Monday 9th December 2019. The party was attended by our Residents, staff, Trustees and the Mayor. Everyone who came had such a good time. We all really enjoyed the delicious 3 courses of Christmas dinner. This was followed by a raffle and lots of singing and dancing!!

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X16 X1 

Almshouse design for the 21st Century

— 02 Oct 2019

An interesting piece on Taunton Heritage Trust by Jonathan Rhind Architects:


THT have several almshouses in the centre of Taunton already, such as Bernard Taylor