Objects & Values


  • To provide affordable, suitable and safe almshouse accommodation for people in need aged 60 years and over with priority being given to inhabitants of the Borough of Taunton Deane (“Area of Benefit”).
  • To provide relief in need for the Residents of the almshouses and other inhabitants of the Area of Benefit, (or in exceptional cases to persons resident immediately outside the Area of Benefit), by making grants of money for goods, services or facilities for the benefit of individuals or other charities or in such other ways as the CIO may see fit.
  • To provide annual grants to Bishop Fox’s School and as part of the British School Fund, to other schools in order to further the education of children and young people in the Area of Benefit.


  • To provide affordable, suitable and safe accommodation for people on low incomes aged over 60 years.
  • To provide Warden assistance to encourage Residents to live their lives as independently as possible.
  • To work to secure appropriate assistance for Residents from relatives and relevant support agencies.
  • To provide a community environment which encourages social wellbeing through a range of activities and events.
  • To maintain the Trust’s Almshouses to the highest standard practicable.


  • To assist individuals who are resident in Taunton Deane and who are identified as in financial need.
  • To support other charities in assisting individuals who are resident in Taunton Deane and who are identified as in financial need.