Trustee Application



If you have an interest in influencing the strategic direction of a long-standing local charity and would like Board experience, look no further.

Taunton Heritage Trust is a Taunton-based Almshouse and grant giving Charity that has provided housing for those in need since the early 1600’s.  We currently have 65 almshouse flats in Taunton for the over 60’s who are in need and we also provide a grant scheme, granting every month to people in crisis, totalling tens of thousands of pounds per year.

There has been a lot of favourable press recently about the benefits of almshouse living and how Almshouse Charities will play an important role in helping to solve the housing crisis in this country.  At the Trust we are embarking on an ambitious project to develop an important town-centre site to provide additional almshouses, in order to meet demand and to confirm our place as a local housing provider well into the twenty first century.

This is a pivotal time for the Taunton Heritage Trust and to enable us to deliver our ambitious plans, we are looking for dynamic and dedicated individuals, to serve as Trustees, who share the ethos of our almshouse charity.  We are a small part-time staff team of seven and currently a Board of nine Trustees – all with a passion to do our very best for people in need in the Taunton area.

If you would like to become a Trustee, and in return would enjoy the challenge of working with a group of dedicated individuals from all walks of life with a common goal, we would love to hear from you.

You may wish to pick up the phone for an informal chat or email in the first instance, our Chief Officer, Ros Moreton.     –    01823 335348

But if you’re ready to tell us all about yourself, please download a Trustee application form here: Trustee interest form or complete online here:  ONLINE Trustee interest form

Before you complete an interest form, please be familiar with the Charity Commission guidance regarding  Automatic disqualification guidance for charities.